We present an overview on epitaxial growth, processing technology, device performance, and reliability of our GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) manufactured on 3- and 4-in. SiC substrates. Epitaxy and processing are optimized for both performance and reliability. We use three different gate lengths, namely 500 nm for 1–6 GHz applications, 250 nm for devices between 6 and 18 GHz, and 150 nm for higher frequencies. The developed HEMTs demonstrate excellent high-voltage stability, high power performance, and large DC to RF conversion efficiencies for all gate lengths. On large gate width devices for base station applications, an output power beyond 125 W is achieved with a power added efficiency around 60% and a linear gain around 16 dB. Reliability is tested both under DC and RF conditions with supply voltage of 50 and 30 V for 500 and 250 nm gates, respectively. DC tests on HEMT devices return a drain current change of just about 10% under IDQ conditions. Under RF stress the observed change in output power density is below 0.2 dB after more than 1000 h for both gate length technologies.