Understory vegetation was studied following treatment by herbicides and fire on grazed pastures within the Cross Timbers vegetation type. Tebuthiuron and triclopyr at 2.2 kg ha-1 were applied in March and June of 1983, respectively. The pastures were burned in late spring of 1985, 1986 and 1987. Frequency of horseweed, rosette panicgrass, and little bluestem increased with both herbicides, but the increase was usually larger with tebuthiuron than triclopyr. Burning as a follow-up to either herbicide had little effect on frequency of rosette panicgrass and little bluestem. Horseweed increased following burning in 1985 and 1987. Standing crop of grasses and forbs increased dramatically following herbicide treatments. Grass production was greater with tebuthiuron, whereas production of forbs and browse was generally greater with triclopyr.