The energy minimization problem associated to uniform,
isotropic, linearly elastic rods leads to a geometric
variational problem for the rod centreline,
whose solutions include closed, knotted curves.
We give a complete description of the space of closed
and quasiperiodic solutions.
The quasiperiodic curves are parametrized by a
two-dimensional disc. The closed curves arise as a
countable collection of one-parameter families,
connecting the $m$-fold covered circle to the
$n$-fold covered circle for any relatively prime $m$
and $n$. Each family contains exactly one
self-intersecting curve, one elastic curve, and one
closed curve of constant torsion. Two torus knot
types are represented in each family, and all torus
knots are represented by elastic rod centrelines.
1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: primary 53A04, 73C02; secondary 57M25.