Bias correction is a critical aspect of data-centric climate studies, as it aims to improve the consistency between observational data and simulations by climate models or estimates by remote sensing. Satellite-based estimates of climatic variables like precipitation often exhibit systematic bias when compared to ground observations. To address this issue, the application of bias correction techniques becomes necessary. This research work examines the use of deep learning to reduce the systematic bias of satellite estimations at each grid location while maintaining the spatial dependency across grid points. More specifically, we try to calibrate daily precipitation values of tropical rainfall measuring mission based TRMM_3B42_Daily precipitation data over Indian landmass with ground observations recorded by India Meteorological Department (IMD). We have focused on the precipitation estimates of the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) period (June–September) since India gets more than 75% of its annual rainfall in this period. We have benchmarked these deep learning methods against standard statistical methods like quantile mapping and quantile delta mapping on the above datasets. The comparative analysis shows the effectiveness of the deep learning architecture in bias correction.