The surfaces of crystalline samples of 3d-metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and
Cu) and their stoichiometric oxides have been studied by Auger
spectroscopy. A correlation between the change in the LVV (L-inner
level-valence-valence electron transition) Auger intensities and the
change of the squares of the corresponding atomic-magnetic moments has
been observed. This is because of the complicated nature of the Auger
process. That is, the Auger electron emission is a result of the inner
atomic level excitation by electron impact and Auger annihilation of the
inner-level hole. Therefore, the Auger process has been considered a
second-order process, and spin polarization of the valence states has been
taken into account for the LMM (L-inner level-M-inner level-M-inner level
electron transition) Auger spectra of 3d-metals.