This journal uses ScholarOne for online submission and peer review. Further information on ScholarOne can be found here, and queries can be directed to the Editorial Office.
Anonymising your manuscript
Remember to check that all information that identifies authors or that could lead to the deduction of author identities has been be removed from the manuscript before you submit it. Manuscripts that are not thus prepared for “blind” review upon submission will be returned to the lead author for anonymizing before the manuscript will be considered.
Guidance on how to anonymise your manuscript can be found here.
Before you submit, please ensure that your submission is complete and that you have included a title page as well as all tables, figures and any supplementary materials. If your article has funding, please ensure you provide this information, including a grant number, if applicable, when this is requested in ScholarOne.
Guidance on how to prepare and submit supplementary material can be found here.
Licence to publish
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