ADHD as long term disease is diagnosed in first years of life. Ill children need complex psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy and effects sometimes are minor. The aim of the study was to estimate possible emotional disturbances, control of emotions, impulsivity, behavioral problems or psychosomatic disturbances in children with ADHD.
40 mothers of children fulfilled the questionnaire of Achenbach and questionnaire of authors' concept. Children aged 6-18 yrs of age were estimated by mothers. The results show the most often problems underlined were low control of emotions 50%, impulsivity 25%, aggressiveness - 10%. Parents also show tendency of appearance of psychosomatic problems as headaches, sleep disturbances, eating disturbances. They connected these problems to school adaptations problems.
There was correlation between level of intelligence (IQ) and frequency of appearance of sleep disturbances. The lower level of IQ the sleep disturbances reveal more often.
In conclusion: Children with ADHD need also complex care, also psychotherapy and there is a need of psychological counseling for the families.