For innovation in region of mental health» has been conducting since 2008 in Russia. There are three nominations of Competition: psychoeducation, psychorehabilitation, psychoenlightenment. The missions of Competition are to celebrate humane, original, innovational works of doctors-psychiatrists, social organizations, to pay the attention of power and public for present interest problems of psychiatry, antistygmatization of psychiatry. The victor of Competition is a best region of Russian Federation. Dispensaries of psychiatry, hospitals of psychiatry, social organizations take part In Competition. The scale of evaluation of activity of establishments on 5 ball system has been developed. In a nomination psychoeducation such criteria as novelty of carrying out of psychoeducational programs, regularity in distribution of the information, concerning vital topics and psychiatry problems, formation of groups of support of families, carrying out of lectures, seminars for patients, relatives, experts, presence of own newspaper or magazine in establishment, the book edition, the feedback presented by responses, letters of thanks of patients, relatives on carried out actions are estimated. In a nomination psychorehabilitation following criteria are estimated: novelty of carrying out of psychorehabilitation actions, activity in carrying out of rehabilitation work, humanity in carrying out of rehabilitation actions, carrying out in establishments of exhibitions of works of patients, charitable trips, the response to carried out actions. In a nomination psychoenlightenment is considered representation by establishment of the information to television, the press about stigma in psychiatry and measures on its decrease, about public opinion about mentally sick, psychiatrists and psychiatry, about possibilities of a modern psychiatric science.