In relationship centred medicine perspective it is essential to take into account an ethical principle model for our actions, in a meta-analytical foundational perspective, facing concrete and at the same time complex problems in health care, we have to frame them not in terms of strictly defined principles, either formulate them by general acontextual interpretations or resolve them through abstract procedures.
Clinical ethics has been enriched by several contributions that deepen a strict principalist perspective. It is from the observation that the clinic relationship creates, in a space and a time, conditions for the emergence of experiential values of the patient and of the professionals through which you can build a relationship of trust (and not through a process merely procedural), that other ethical questionings emerged in this problematization area (ethics of care, hermeneutics, narrative ethics, responsibility ethics).
We describe the way this theoretical and deliberative relational ethical model can be easily applied to different ethical issues in psychiatry practice and research.
Relational ethics integrates three basic polarities: creating conditions of personhood authenticity, developing a process of reciprocal mutuality and generating an opportunity of growth, development and enhancement. The hermeneutic helical deliberative process takes always in consideration the context relativity and contingency, the other's perspectives and, by creative co-authorship cooperation, allows the emergence of new possibilities of transformative developmental issues.