The research refers to the relationship between lies and personality. In the present study, we started from the following assumption: the superego of persons of the same culture and same generation tends to be constant regarding content and strength. That is, the superego of 21 years romanian people tends to follow a certain pattern. This assumption is motivated by the fact that in Romania, the middle class is by far the majority; among the middle class, social perceptions tend not to vary too much, those of 21 years were born in the communist period and their superego formed before the revolution, which generated a strong similarity in shaping their superego, the kind of education both formal and informal resembles very much for Romania (see Romanian proverbs), etc.
This assumption leads us to the following statement: given that the superego is similar for most Romanians of the same age, it tends to refer similarly to lying as social value as well as internalized prohibition, and its censorship. So, the lie will have substantially the same value and interpretation for all young people in this category, which will tend to refer to it similarly.
This leads to a very simple conclusion: given that in the Romanian culture, as in other cultures, the lie is disapproved, people who lie will experience a conflict between the censorship of the superego and the desire of the ego, which is reflected in the sense of guilt.