Due to personality disorders recovery being paid much attention, we observe psychotherapy obtaining great importance in schizophrenics combination therapy. Successful adaptation to social functioning various conditions depends largely on psychological defence. An adequate reaction to disease and realistic attitude to treatment promote life upgrading.
The objectives of the research is to define the effectiveness of psychotherapy in connection of adaptive mechanism of the psychological defence.
The aims include the study of the correction possibilities of unadapted psychological mechanism with the help of psychotherapy.
We examined 53 patients with schizophrenic spectrum disorders. Used Positive and Negative Syndromes Scale (PANSS) to estimate patients clinical state, a test method TOBOL to diagnose attitude to disease. Psychological defence mechanisms were investigated by the help of enquirers FKBS, SBAK
We discovered that disease syntonic attitude increased noticeably (p < 0,05). Also we registered anxious, dysphoric and sensitive attitudes decrease (p < 0,041; p < 0,036; p < 0,05). There is a tendency to reduce anosognosic and anergic relationship towards disease (p < 0,053; p < 0,06).
These data indicate patients intention to estimate realistically their condition without over- or under- statements. We observe less anxiety, suspicion and dismay concerning catadromes, complications, ineffective treatment and mental activity increase.
After psychotherapy being applied, the maximum indices reduction was fixed in defence mechanisms such as: “against object”, “denial” (p < 0,05), “against the self’ appeal (p < 0,05), “social contacts avoidance” (p < 0,01). The symptoms investigation results prove that schizophrenics subjected to psychotherapy observe primitive defences tension decrease. All the validation, anxiety and self-aggression decrease.