This contribution is an outline of the main results obtained by the authors in comparing their solution ELP-2000, to a JPL numerical integration, LE-51. A full paper containing discussions and comments on the results will be proposed to Astronomy ’ Astrophysics.
A solution for the orbital motion of the Moon has been built by the authors. It is named ELP-2000, the epoch of reference being J2000. It is a semi-analytical solution, its structure being quite similar to Brown-Eckert’s one, as it appears in the Improved Lunar Ephemeris, ILE, j=2, (Eckert et al., 1954). The main purpose of this work is to present the results of a comparison of a provisional but complete solution, to an external numerical integration, LE-51, built at JPL (Williams, 1980), and fitted to lunar laser rangings. The JPL numerical integration is regarded as an “observational model”. It is a first attempt to compare as a whole, a new lunar ephemeris, derived from a semi-analytical theory, to observations, via a numerical integration.