Established on March 22, 1945, the Arab League has envisaged a development of Arab unity through a regional planning program designed to provide a nucleus which would facilitate political cooperation in the Arab Near East. Salient objectives of the League, as set out in its covenant, include protection of the independence of member states, and close cooperation between member states in economic and financial affairs, problems connected with nationality, passports, visas and extradition, and public health and social matters. Special committees organized under the provisions of the League Pact have endeavoured to promote economic and social development by proposing such measures as 1) a draft treaty for a unified educational system which would include exchange of students and teachers, and development of libraries, 2) establishment of permanent offices on cultural affairs and legal problems, 3) development of trade and communications, 4) a postal union, customs union, common citizenship and a passport system. These committees, while able to formulate draft agreements, were to submit such agreements first to the Council and then to the several Arab states for approval.