The fragments reproduced in Fig. 1 are in the Archaeological Institute at Heidelberg, and Prof. von Duhn has kindly allowed me to publish them. They formed part of a cup: it is not possible to say whether the cup had pictures on the outside or not. Round the figure on the inside runs the broken inscription The outlines of the figure are all relief-lines, except the further edge of the chiton below, the outer line of the sleeve near the elbow, and the front part of the sole. The wreath is red, the contour of the hair reserved with a relief-line on either side of the reserve.
Three other cups have figures in the interior which resemble ours closely: Munich 2612; a fragmentary cup in Leipzig (woman running holding a wreath); and a cup found at Capua and published in Annali, 1849, Pl. B, but now lost. This third vase bears the legend It is likely then, though of course not certain, that we are to restore our inscription as or This is not a certain restoration; for the anonymous artist who worked for Euergides may have worked for, say, Euthymides, as well, although we do not know that Euthymides ever owned a workshop, since his extant signatures are all artist's signatures.