Various workers have assigned Atrypa acutiplicata Conrad, 1841, to a number of leptocoeliid genera. Restudy of specimens previously examined by Boucot and Rehmer (1977) as part of a study of the community paleoecology of brachiopods of the Emsian and Eifelian strata of eastern North America has shown that A. acutiplicata does not belong to any existing genus of leptocoeliid. Therefore, the new genus Atlanticocoelia is proposed, with A. acutiplicata as the type species, for leptocoeliid brachiopods with a small, knoblike cardinal process, a brachial valve of moderate convexity, a broad sulcus, strong plications, subparallel dorsal adductor scars, and cordate pedicle diductor scars. Atlanticocoelia occurs in benthic assemblage 4 to 5 communities of the Emsian through Eifelian Appohimchi Province of the Eastern Americas Realm.