In the past five years there have appeared a number of collections of inscriptions relevant to Roman studies and a number of collected discussions of such inscriptions, and it may be useful to record the more important of these, though without comment except where the titles are insufficiently indicative of content, for they have been, or will be, the subject of reviews. Regional corpora: G. Mihailov, Inscriptiones graecae in Bulgaria repertae vol. III, fasc. 1, giving texts from Philippopolis (1961); G. Sotgiù, Iscrizioni latine della Sardegna (1961); W. M. Calder and J. M. R. Cormack, MAMA VIII, giving texts from Lycaonia, the Pisido-Phrygian borderland and Aphrodisias (1962); A. Degrassi, ILLRP vol. 11 (1963); A. and J. Šašel, Inscriptiones latinae quae in Iugoslavia inter annos MCMXL et MCMLX repertae sunt (1963); P. Wuilleumier, Inscriptions latines des Trois Gaules (1963); R. G. Collingwood and R. P. Wright, Roman Inscriptions of Britain vol. I (1965). Specialised corpora: H. Zilliacus, Sylloge inscriptionum Christianarum veterum Musei Vaticani (1963); A. Degrassi, Inscriptiones Italiae vol. XIII, fasc. 2, Fasti anni Numani et Iuliani, Ferialia, Menologia Rustica, Parapegmata (1965); M. H. Callander, Roman Amphorae, with an index of stamps on amphorae in the Western provinces (1965). Corpora of illustrations: A. Degrassi, ILLRP, Imagines (1965); A. E. and J. S. Gordon, Album of dated Latin inscriptions from Rome and the neighbourhood, vols. II (A.D. 100–199) and III (A.D. 200–525) (1965). Collected discussions: Akte des IV. Kongress für Epigraphik, Vienna 1962; A. Degrassi, Scritti vari di antichità (1962); L. Robert, Hellenica XI-XII (1960) and XIII (1965), the latter wholly devoted to a review of MAMA VIII; a second edition of his Villes d'Asie Mineure (1962) and Noms indigènes dans l'Asie-Mineure gréco-romaine (1963). One might also mention here H. G. Pflaum's Les Carrières procuratoriennes équestres sous le haut-empire romain (1960) and the Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae from 1963 onwards, largely devoted to epigraphic studies.