§ 1. The rhythm, of mathematical progress. To the question how the aim described in the preceding lecture is to be realised, the whole of the rest of the course is proffered as an answer. Here, it, will be sufficient to summarise the main features of the. methods which are later to be given in detail.
The professed aim is to make school mathematics a reproduction, as faithful as the difference of the situations permits, of the mathematical activities of the great world. The method must, then, be based upon an analysis of the general course of development which these activities display. Remembering, as before, that this kind of analysis always introduces an artificial simplicity into a naturally complicated matter, we may yet lay it down that mathematics advances by the constant repetition of a normal cycle of progress—a cycle in which three typical phases may be distinguished. In the first, the heuristic phase, the mathematician, face to face with a new type of problem, devises a new notation or mathematical method to deal with it. In the second, the formal phase, the new notation or method is studied apart from the immediate needs of practical application. The conditions and the range of its validity are investigated, its wider possibilities are explored, and its relation to other methods examined. In the third, the application phase, the extended notation or the perfected method becomes once more an instrument for the solution of problems, and is found to be applicable successfully over a field often many times wider than the area in which it originated. Any one of these problems may, in turn, become’ the starting point of a new cycle.