Series which behave rather like Taylor's series at more than, one point are described and their convergence is discussed briefly.
where z, zs are complex numbers and zs are the points, (the base points)about which a function is to be expanded. They need not be distinct. p{z) is a polynomial of degree n. in z. Assume first that z, zs are real and the zs are distinct. Then polynomials pn-1,t(z) may be chosen so that the series
has contact of order N at the points zs with any specified real function which has N derivatives at these points. This is proved merely by rearranging the simplest polynomial in z which has contact of order N with/(z) at z = zs. The term given by t = 0 in (2) allows the series to have the values f(zs) at z = zs; adding the term for t = 1 does not alter the values of the series at z = zs; it allows the series to have a derivative with values f′(zs) at z = z; similarly adding the term for t = 2 does not alter the value of the series or its first derivative at z = zs, it allows the series to have a second derivative with values f″{zs) at z = zs; and so on. If m of the zs coincide then f(z) has mN + m− 1 derivatives there and contact is of order mN + m− 1. If z, zs are complex the result is seen to be valid subject to the obvious generalization of ‘ contact of the ith order’ to complex variables and functions.