Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray analysis are standard tools in the nanotechnology world, but access to them by students is limited by high cost and lack of equipment. For this reason, among others, we have developed an on-demand remote access system to The University Spectroscopy and Imaging Facilities (USIF) of The University of Arizona (UA), by using Quartz PCI-Taipan. In general, Taipan is an online server based program that enables spectroscopy laboratories to store, organize, and manage data as well as users. Significantly, the Taipan system allows users, operators and researches to create their own online collaborations, which will, in many ways, fuse their research and outreach efforts. Therefore, we have incorporated the Taipan software to our recently installed Hitachi S-4800 FESEM and S-3400N variable-pressure SEM. With a high-speed internet connection, from any remote setting, the system allows students real-time access to view state-of-the-art microscopes, acquire data, and interact with the instrument operator. What is more, remote users can view up to six different screens including SEM image, SEM control screen, EDS, Raman spectrum, chamber scope, and microscope room as shown in Fig. 1. This offers a significant reduction of time, travel expenses, and more importantly, equipment cost.