Manuscript Submission
Manuscripts must be submitted online (at, in single-column text with double line spacing, and continuous line numbering throughout. Peer review will be significantly quicker if these simple guidelines are followed. Tables and figures may be embedded for review but the final paper will not be accepted for publication without separate figure files.
Submissions containing data on new minerals or crystal structures must include a crystallographic information file (.cif), a table of structure factors (either within the .cif or separately) and a ‘checkcif.pdf’ file which will indicate any errors in the .cif. (Details are available at
Conditions of Acceptance
Papers or Letters will not be accepted if they have been published elsewhere in whole, in part, or in substantially the same form, in English or any other language.
The views expressed in any paper are the responsibility of the authors and not those of officers or staff of the Mineralogical Society of the UK and Ireland or of Cambridge University Press.
The Peer Review Process
All manuscripts will be reviewed by up to three reviewers and an editorial board member who can recommend major, moderate, or minor revisions, or rejection. The Principal Editors make the final recommendation as to disposition of all manuscripts. Papers cannot be modified after acceptance for publication.
Licence to publish
Before Cambridge can publish your manuscript, we need a signed licence to publish agreement. Under the agreement, certain rights are granted to the journal owner which allow publication of the article. The original ownership of the copyright in the article remains unchanged. For full details see the publishing agreement page.