In order to perform the safety evaluation of nuclear waste repositories, a global model, called MELODIE, is currently being developed at the CEA/IPSN, in collaboration with other CEA teams and ENSMP (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris). The version now in operation allows the assessment of the radiological consequences due to a repository located in a granitic formation for a period of several hundred thousands of years.
The calculations are based on models which represent the following physical and chemical phenomena:
– release of the radionuclides from the waste form and through engineered barriers,
– radionuclide transport through the geosphere,
– radionuclide behaviour in the biosphere.
Three separate models have been developed for each of these subjects; they are integrated in the code through a modular flexible dataprocessing structure.
In addition, a sensitivity and uncertainty analysis algorithm has been implemented into the code, which allows the evaluation of the influence of the parameter values on the result and of its uncertainty.
After a quite general description of MELODIE, we intend to present what has been done with it, mainly the calculations performed in the PAGIS (CCE) exercise: global dose calculations and ranking of the most important parameters through the sensitivity analysis.
We also note the studies performed with the geosphere module of MELODIE (METIS), especially the participation to the HYDROCOIN (0ECD/NEA) exercise. In addition, the main future development axes of MELODIE are outlined.