Important notice
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences will cease publishing with Cambridge on 31 December 2024. It will continue to be published by Open Academia on 1 January 2025.
You may find the new journal website here.
The Cambridge submission site has now closed. Authors wishing to submit their research to the journal should do so at the journal's new manuscript submission site.
Manuscripts should be within the scope of the journal, i.e. refer to the North Sea region and geologically relevant adjacent areas. The subject should be of interest to a worldwide readership.
Open Access
All articles published by Netherlands Journal of Geosciences are Open Access: freely and permanently accessible online, immediately upon publication, under licensing that allows anyone to redistribute, re-use and adapt the content as long as they provide information. The journal flipped to open access on 1st January 2019. All articles published prior to this date are free to access.
For more information about OA, see Cambridge University Press's open access policies pages.
Manuscripts will be handled in three formats: a. Geo(im)pulses, not exceeding 4 pages; b. Regular Papers, preferably not exceeding 8 pages, correspondingly roughly to 6000 words (depending on layout, figures and tables); and c. Geoperspective papers: invited contributions that provide a geoscientific viewpoint on societal issues. Geo(im)pulses are intended to be published rapidly, and should contain timely information. They will not exceed 4 pages and contain at most 1 or 2 figures/tables. If the number of 4 pages is exceeded, the manuscript will be classified as a Regular Paper, which may take longer to publish.
Colour figures are possible at no cost to the author. Additional colour figures or photos and/or lengthy tables can be posted at no cost on the NJG website, and will be referred to with a link in the NJG article. Supplementary material must be supplied electronically with the first submission of the manuscript for the review process. The format is the responsibility of the author, and will be posted as submitted.
The pdf of the published paper will be supplied to the first author.
We accept the following types of articles:
- Original Article*
- Geo(im)pulse*
- Geoperspective Commentary**
- Review*
- Editorial
* All or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access. For authors not covered by an agreement, and without APC funding, please see this journal's open access options for instructions on how to request an APC waiver.
** No APCs are required for these article types.
Call for Papers
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences welcomes suggestions for new special issues. If you have a suggestion for a new special issue, please email and include the following details:
- Special issue title
- Short description of scope
- Expected number of submissions