Histories and dictionaries of Italian literature continue to assign the comedy Ortensio to Alessandro Piccolomini, the Sicnese writer of the sixteenth century who, in his day, enjoyed a wide reputation as a philosopher and playwright. The authorship of the Ortensio was sporadically but unsubstantially doubted in the past and, in more recent years, was challenged seriously in at least two important articles. Apparently, few writers have taken cognizance of these articles or have taken into consideration the conclusions of Maria Rossi and Ireneo Sanesi, who proved that the comedy was written collectively by the members of the Accademia degl'Intronati of Siena. Perhaps one of the reasons why these articles have not been incorporated in subsequent studies on Piccolomini is that they do not deal specifically with the problem. Both M. Rossi and I. Sanesi treat the authorship of the Ortensio in an incidental manner, since the concern of the former is an appraisal of all the literary works of Piccolomini, while that of the latter is the establishment of the correct date of two letters.