The patriarch of monks, St Anthony, is one of the most notable saints in the Romish calendar. He was born A.D. 251, at Coma, or Great Heracleopolis, in Upper Egypt. His parents, who were Christians, kept him at home, fearing that through bad example his manners might be tainted. When he was under twenty his parents died, leaving him and an only sister, as their inheritance, an estate, in extent equal to a hundred and twenty British acres. Imperfectly instructed in sacred knowledge, Anthony was influenced by a strong religious enthusiasm. Inducing his sister to concur with him, he disposed of their inheritance, in the belief that he was thereby fulfilling the divine command. The money which he received for his land he distributed among the poor, and adopted the life of an ascetic. He did not eat before sunset, andoften fasted for two and three days together. He subsisted on bread, salt and water, abstained from washing his body, and clothed himself in a coarse shirt of hair.