In this paper we use Langlands-Shahidi method and the result of Langlands which says that non self-conjugate maximal parabolic subgroups do not contribute to the residual spectrum, to prove the holomorphy of several completed automorphic $L$-functions on the whole complex plane which appear in constant terms of the Eisenstein series. They include the exterior square $L$-functions of $\text{G}{{\text{L}}_{\text{n}}},\,n$ odd, the Rankin-Selberg $L$-functions of $\text{G}{{\text{L}}_{n}}\times \,\text{G}{{\text{L}}_{m}},\,n\,\ne \,m$, and $L$-functions $L\left( s,\,\sigma ,\,r \right)$, where $\sigma $ is a generic cuspidal representation of $\text{S}{{\text{O}}_{10}}$ and $r$ is the half-spin representation of GSpin $\left( 10,\,\mathbb{C} \right)$. The main part is proving the holomorphy and non-vanishing of the local normalized intertwining operators by reducing them to natural conjectures in harmonic analysis, such as standard module conjecture.