Let $\mathfrak{A}$ be a ${{C}^{*}}$-algebra with real rank zero that has the stable weak cancellation property. Let $\Im $ be an ideal of $\mathfrak{A}$ such that $\Im $ is stable and satisfies the corona factorization property. We prove that
$$0\,\to \,\Im \,\to \mathfrak{A}\,\to \,\mathfrak{A}/\Im \,\to \,0$$
is a full extension if and only if the extension is stenotic and $K$-lexicographic. As an immediate application, we extend the classification result for graph ${{C}^{*}}$-algebras obtained by Tomforde and the first named author to the general non-unital case. In combination with recent results by Katsura, Tomforde, West, and the first named author, our result may also be used to give a purely $K$-theoretical description of when an essential extension of two simple and stable graph ${{C}^{*}}$-algebras is again a graph ${{C}^{*}}$-