Impact assessments of virus resistance transgene introgression into wild, free-living populations are important for determining whether these transgenes present a risk to agriculture or the environment. Transgenic virus-resistant Cucurbita pepo ssp. ovifera var. ovifera L. (squash) cultivars have been commercialized, and may be cultivated in close proximity to cross-compatible wild, free-living relatives (C. pepo subsp. pepo vars. ozarkana and texana). Therefore, the potential impact of these
virus resistance transgenes was studied by surveying the incidence and
fluctuations of virus infection (as assayed by ELISA), virus symptoms (which
may not be seen in an infected plant) and population size in forty-three
free-living C. pepo populations in Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi,
Louisiana, and Texas. Ten of these populations were studied over three
consecutive seasons. Depending on the year, 61% to 78% percent of the
populations had at least one individual infected by at CMV, ZYMV or WMV2,
but the median incidence of infection within populations was 13%. The
observed infection level in free-living populations was consistent with
levels defined as “low” in field plot experiments conducted by others,
leading to the conclusion that transgenic virus resistance should not
provide a significant fitness advantage to the free-living populations
examined. Viral symptoms were detected in only 2% of plants observed,
indicating that severity of viral infection was low. CMV, ZYMV, and WMV2
were not the only viruses infecting these populations, further reducing the
likelihood that resistance to these viruses would release populations from
constraints imposed by virus diseases.