Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- THE SIXTH VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- The voyage of M. John Eldred to Tripolis in Syria by sea, and from thence by land and river to Babylon, and Balsara, Anno 1583
- The money, weights, measures, and customes used in Babylon, Balsara, Ormuz, Goa, Cochin, and Malacca: written from Alepo in Syria, by M. William Barret, Anno 1584
- The charge of a journey, by land and river, from Alepo in Syria to Goa in the East India
- A declaration of all the places from whence each particular commoditie of the East Indies commeth
- The times or seasonable windes called Monsons, wherein the ships depart from place to place in the East Indies
- A description of the Isle of S. Helena frequented by the Portugales in their returne from the East India
- The voyage of M. John Evesham by sea into Ægypt, Anno 1586
- The voyage of M. Laurence Aldersey to the cities of Alexandria and Cairo in Aegypt, Anno 1586
- The voyage of five marchants ships of London into Turkie: and their valiant fight in their returne with 11 gallies and two frigats of the king of Spaine
- The voyage of Master William Hareborne over-land from Constantinople to London, Anno 1588
- A Priviledge granted by Peter Prince of Moldavia, to the English merchants, Anno 1588
- A briefe extract specifying the certaine dayly payments answered quarterly in time of peace
- The chiefe officers of the great Turkes Empire; the number of souldiers attending upon each of his Beglerbegs
- The letters of Sinan Bassa chiefe counsellor to Sultan Murad Can the Grand Signor, An. 1590
- The second letters patents granted by the Queenes Majestie, to the right wor. company of the English merchants for the Levant, in the yere of our Lord 1592
- A description of a voyage to Constantinople and Syria begun the 21 of March, 1593, and ended the ninth of August 1595
- A letter written by the most high and mighty Empresse the wife of the Grand Signor Sultan Murad Can to her most sacred Majesty of England, Anno 1594
- The voyage of Macham the first discoverer of the Isle of Madera, in the yeere 1344
- A Note concerning the ayde and assistance given to king John the first of Portugale, by certaine English merchants, for the winning of Ceut in Barbary, Anno 1415
- The Ambassage of John the second, king of Portugale to Edward the 4 king of England
- A briefe note concerning an ancient trade of English marchants to the Canarie Isles, Anno 1526
- A description of the Canarie Islands, with their strange fruits and commodities
- The first voyage to Barbary, Anno 1551
- The second voyage to Barbary, Anno 1552
- The voyage of M. Thomas Windam to Guinea and the kingdom of Benin, Anno 1553
- The voyage of M. John Lok to Guinea, Anno 1554
- The first voyage of Master William Towrson marchant of London to Guinea, in the yeere of our Lord, 1555
- The second voyage of M. William Towrson to Guinea and the castle of Mina. An. 1556
- The third voyage of the sayd M. William Towrson to the coast of Guinea and the river of Sestos, Anno 1557
- The commodities and wares that are most desired in Guinea, betwixt Sierra Leona, and the furthest place of the Mina
- Certaine articles of remembrance delivered to M. John Lok, touching a voyage to Guinea, Anno 1561
- A letter of M. John Lok to the worshipfull company of marchants adventurers of Guinea, Anno 1561
- The relation of one William Rutter concerning a voyage set out to Guinea, Anno 1562. Described also in verse by Robert Baker
- A meeting at Sir William Gerards house for the setting foorth of a voyage to Guinea, with the Minion of the Queenes
- A relation of the successe of the same voyage, taken out of a voyage of Sir John Haukins to the West Indies
- The voyage of M. George Fenner to Guinea and to the Isles of Capo Verde, An. 1566
- The voyage and ambassage of Master Edmund Hogan to the Emperour of Marocco, Anno 1577
- The voyage of Thomas Stukeley into Barbary, 1578
- Certaine reports of the mighty kingdome of China delivered by Portugales which were there imprisoned
- A discourse of the Isle of Japan, and of other Isles in the East Ocean, &c
- An excellent description of the kingdome of China, and of the estate and governement thereof
- The voyage of Thomas Stevens about the Cape of Buona Esperanza unto Goa in the East India, Anno 1579
- A briefe relation of the great magnificence and rich trafficke of the kingdom of Pegu, beyond the East India
- The memorable voyage of M. James Lancaster about the Cape of Buona Esperanza, along the Easterne coast of Africa, beyond Cape Comori
- Certaine remembrances of a voyage intended to Brasil, and to the river of Plate, but miserably overthrowen neere Rio grande in Guinea, in the yeere 1583
- The escape of the Primrose, a ship of London, from before the towne of Bilbao in Biscay, and the taking of the Corrigidor, Anno 1585
- The king of Spaines Commission for the generall imbargment or arrest of the English &c. Anno 1585
- The Letters patents granted by her Majestie to certaine noblemen and merchants of London, for a trade to Barbary, Anno 1585
- The voyage and ambassage of Master Henry Roberts to Mully Hamet Emperour of Marocco, Anno 1585
- An edict from the Emperour of Marocco in favour of all Englishmen trading throughout his dominions, Anno 1587
- A letter of the sayd emperour written to the Erle of Leicester, in the yeare 1587
- A letter of the Queenes Majestie written to the emperour of Marocco, in the yere 1587
- The voyage made by two of sir Walter Raleghs Pinasses called The Serpent and The Mary Spark of Plimouth to the Azores
- The voyage of Sir Francis Drake to Cadiz, and the memorable exploits and services performed
- A patent graunted to certaine merchants of Exceter, and others of the West parts, and of London, for a trade to the rivers of Senega and Gambra in Guinea, Anno 1588
- A voyage to Benin beyond the countrey of Guinea made by Master James Welsh, who set foorth in the yeere 1588
- A relation concerning a voyage set foorth by M. John Newton, and M. John Bird, merchants of London, to the kingdome and citie of Benin, written by Antony Ingram, An. 1588
- The second voyage made by M. James Welsh to Benin in Africa, An. 1590
- An advertisement to king Philip the 2. of Spaine, from Angola, touching the state of the same countrey, An. 1591
An edict from the Emperour of Marocco in favour of all Englishmen trading throughout his dominions, Anno 1587
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 November 2014
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- THE SIXTH VOLUME OF THE Principall Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
- The voyage of M. John Eldred to Tripolis in Syria by sea, and from thence by land and river to Babylon, and Balsara, Anno 1583
- The money, weights, measures, and customes used in Babylon, Balsara, Ormuz, Goa, Cochin, and Malacca: written from Alepo in Syria, by M. William Barret, Anno 1584
- The charge of a journey, by land and river, from Alepo in Syria to Goa in the East India
- A declaration of all the places from whence each particular commoditie of the East Indies commeth
- The times or seasonable windes called Monsons, wherein the ships depart from place to place in the East Indies
- A description of the Isle of S. Helena frequented by the Portugales in their returne from the East India
- The voyage of M. John Evesham by sea into Ægypt, Anno 1586
- The voyage of M. Laurence Aldersey to the cities of Alexandria and Cairo in Aegypt, Anno 1586
- The voyage of five marchants ships of London into Turkie: and their valiant fight in their returne with 11 gallies and two frigats of the king of Spaine
- The voyage of Master William Hareborne over-land from Constantinople to London, Anno 1588
- A Priviledge granted by Peter Prince of Moldavia, to the English merchants, Anno 1588
- A briefe extract specifying the certaine dayly payments answered quarterly in time of peace
- The chiefe officers of the great Turkes Empire; the number of souldiers attending upon each of his Beglerbegs
- The letters of Sinan Bassa chiefe counsellor to Sultan Murad Can the Grand Signor, An. 1590
- The second letters patents granted by the Queenes Majestie, to the right wor. company of the English merchants for the Levant, in the yere of our Lord 1592
- A description of a voyage to Constantinople and Syria begun the 21 of March, 1593, and ended the ninth of August 1595
- A letter written by the most high and mighty Empresse the wife of the Grand Signor Sultan Murad Can to her most sacred Majesty of England, Anno 1594
- The voyage of Macham the first discoverer of the Isle of Madera, in the yeere 1344
- A Note concerning the ayde and assistance given to king John the first of Portugale, by certaine English merchants, for the winning of Ceut in Barbary, Anno 1415
- The Ambassage of John the second, king of Portugale to Edward the 4 king of England
- A briefe note concerning an ancient trade of English marchants to the Canarie Isles, Anno 1526
- A description of the Canarie Islands, with their strange fruits and commodities
- The first voyage to Barbary, Anno 1551
- The second voyage to Barbary, Anno 1552
- The voyage of M. Thomas Windam to Guinea and the kingdom of Benin, Anno 1553
- The voyage of M. John Lok to Guinea, Anno 1554
- The first voyage of Master William Towrson marchant of London to Guinea, in the yeere of our Lord, 1555
- The second voyage of M. William Towrson to Guinea and the castle of Mina. An. 1556
- The third voyage of the sayd M. William Towrson to the coast of Guinea and the river of Sestos, Anno 1557
- The commodities and wares that are most desired in Guinea, betwixt Sierra Leona, and the furthest place of the Mina
- Certaine articles of remembrance delivered to M. John Lok, touching a voyage to Guinea, Anno 1561
- A letter of M. John Lok to the worshipfull company of marchants adventurers of Guinea, Anno 1561
- The relation of one William Rutter concerning a voyage set out to Guinea, Anno 1562. Described also in verse by Robert Baker
- A meeting at Sir William Gerards house for the setting foorth of a voyage to Guinea, with the Minion of the Queenes
- A relation of the successe of the same voyage, taken out of a voyage of Sir John Haukins to the West Indies
- The voyage of M. George Fenner to Guinea and to the Isles of Capo Verde, An. 1566
- The voyage and ambassage of Master Edmund Hogan to the Emperour of Marocco, Anno 1577
- The voyage of Thomas Stukeley into Barbary, 1578
- Certaine reports of the mighty kingdome of China delivered by Portugales which were there imprisoned
- A discourse of the Isle of Japan, and of other Isles in the East Ocean, &c
- An excellent description of the kingdome of China, and of the estate and governement thereof
- The voyage of Thomas Stevens about the Cape of Buona Esperanza unto Goa in the East India, Anno 1579
- A briefe relation of the great magnificence and rich trafficke of the kingdom of Pegu, beyond the East India
- The memorable voyage of M. James Lancaster about the Cape of Buona Esperanza, along the Easterne coast of Africa, beyond Cape Comori
- Certaine remembrances of a voyage intended to Brasil, and to the river of Plate, but miserably overthrowen neere Rio grande in Guinea, in the yeere 1583
- The escape of the Primrose, a ship of London, from before the towne of Bilbao in Biscay, and the taking of the Corrigidor, Anno 1585
- The king of Spaines Commission for the generall imbargment or arrest of the English &c. Anno 1585
- The Letters patents granted by her Majestie to certaine noblemen and merchants of London, for a trade to Barbary, Anno 1585
- The voyage and ambassage of Master Henry Roberts to Mully Hamet Emperour of Marocco, Anno 1585
- An edict from the Emperour of Marocco in favour of all Englishmen trading throughout his dominions, Anno 1587
- A letter of the sayd emperour written to the Erle of Leicester, in the yeare 1587
- A letter of the Queenes Majestie written to the emperour of Marocco, in the yere 1587
- The voyage made by two of sir Walter Raleghs Pinasses called The Serpent and The Mary Spark of Plimouth to the Azores
- The voyage of Sir Francis Drake to Cadiz, and the memorable exploits and services performed
- A patent graunted to certaine merchants of Exceter, and others of the West parts, and of London, for a trade to the rivers of Senega and Gambra in Guinea, Anno 1588
- A voyage to Benin beyond the countrey of Guinea made by Master James Welsh, who set foorth in the yeere 1588
- A relation concerning a voyage set foorth by M. John Newton, and M. John Bird, merchants of London, to the kingdome and citie of Benin, written by Antony Ingram, An. 1588
- The second voyage made by M. James Welsh to Benin in Africa, An. 1590
- An advertisement to king Philip the 2. of Spaine, from Angola, touching the state of the same countrey, An. 1591

- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Publisher: Cambridge University PressPrint publication year: 2014