Open Access for Librarians
Open Access at Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press is committed to investing in open solutions, products and processes that support the dissemination of research. Open Access (OA) makes scholarly research permanently available online and allows research findings to be accessible for anyone.
Open Access policies
We support social sharing and Green and Gold OA for books, journals and elements. You can find out more about our approach to open research in our Open Access policies.
Open Access content
You can publish OA journals, articles, books and Elements with Cambridge University Press. Our Open Access content can be accessed from our open access publications page.
Access KBART and MARC files
Did you know that you can download our OA KBART list directly from Core? Visit this page to access KBART and MARC files and OCLC numbers for your organisation.
OA books publishing
We offer authors the option of publishing their monographs or Cambridge Elements as OA, allowing them to make their work freely available without compromising any aspect of the publishing process. All OA books publishing by Cambridge pass through the same rigorous peer review and production process as any non-OA monograph.
For more information about publishing an OA book with Cambridge, read our guide and check out our publishing process below:
Flip it Open
Flipping the traditional publishing model upside down
Flip it Open is a programme that aims to sustainably fund open access to over 100 book titles through existing purchasing habits. Once the titles meet a set revenue threshold, we have committed to making them available as open access ebooks on Cambridge Core, as well as affordable paperbacks. By making books open access in response to them being purchased, we are flipping the traditional publishing model upside down.
As an institutional library, you can purchase any of the titles in the programme to support its journey to open access. This can be directly from the Press, via your usual library supplier, through an EBA (all books in Flip it Open are also part of our EBA collections), or a Frontlist order. The sale of each book under the Flip it Open programme goes towards flipping it to open access.
OA journals publishing
Transformative agreements allow you to convert your institution's publishing to OA sustainably, whilst also granting your patrons access to high-quality, peer reviewed journals from Cambridge University Press.
As part of our commitment to help build an open future, we have signed a number of open access agreements across the globe, providing researchers from over 2,000 institutions with a pathway to publish OA at no cost to them. We also support cOAlition S's transformative journals initiative and have now submitted over half of our full list to the programme, a total of 123 journals.
Benefits for your institution:
- Sustainably convert your institution's publishing to Gold OA
- An agreement tailored to your publishing profile
- Close collaboration to enhance workflow and processes
Ready to find out how your institution would benefit from a Transformative Agreement with Cambridge? Fill in the form and one of our sales representatives will be in touch soon.
Open access subject hubs
Share these open access subject hubs with your researchers, where they can browse our journals offering open access and view the latest OA content in their subject area.
Already have a transformative agreement?
Promote your agreement with our TA resources
Explore our open access resources for authors
Help your researchers check their eligibility for an APC waiver or discount
Make use of Copyright Clearance Center' s tools for institutions and authors
Get training for Rightslink OA Agreement Manager by contacting us at
Cambridge Open Equity Initiative
''R&P is a clear model and offers extra flexibility to authors, by contrast to other OA models that have complicated procedures for both researchers and libraries.''
by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
The Cambridge Open Equity Initiative is designed to support authors in low- and middle-income countries who wish to publish their research open access but can’t access funding to do so. Over 5,000 institutions across more than 100 countries will benefit from the support offered by the Cambridge Open Equity Initiative. The full list of eligible countries is available here.
Our institutional partners are invited to contribute to the initiative. Each institution’s cost to participate in funding the initiative is tiered and intended to enable institutions of all sizes to contribute. To express your interest in becoming a contributing institution and help break down inequities in academic publishing, please contact your local sales representative.