Expressions of Concern
If conclusive evidence about the reliability of a publication cannot be obtained from an investigation, or will not be obtained for a considerable time, but the nature of the concerns warrants notifying readers, the journal will consider publishing an expression of concern.
When the investigation is complete, the journal may publish a further notice, such as a retraction or corrigendum. All notices will remain part of the permanent published record.
If conclusive evidence about the reliability of a publication cannot be obtained from an investigation, or will not be obtained for a considerable time, but the nature of the concerns warrants notifying readers, the journal will consider publishing an expression of concern.
When the investigation is complete, the journal may publish a further notice, such as a retraction or corrigendum. All notices will remain part of the permanent published record.
Removal and withdrawals
In exceptional cases, we may remove an article from online publication where we believe it is necessary to comply with our legal obligations. This includes, without limitation, where we have concerns that the article is defamatory, violates personal privacy or confidentiality laws, is the subject of a court order, or might pose a serious health risk to the general public. In these circumstances, we will endeavour to publish a notice that clearly states why the full article has been removed, and we will retain the maximum metadata possible.
Where it is necessary to add key information to a published article, the journal will issue an addendum. Addenda do not contradict the published article and are not used to fix errors. Addenda may be peer reviewed according to individual journal policies.