Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Dedication
- Contents
- Acknowledgements
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Textual Conventions
- 1 Bishop Francis Godwin's Injunctions for Llandaff diocese, 1603.
- 2 Archbishop Richard Bancroft's letter to his commissioners for his metropolitical visitation, 1605.
- 3 Archbishop Richard Bancroft's articles for his metropolitical visitation of ten dioceses, 1605. Collated with:
- 4 Archbishop Richard Bancroft's articles for Wells Cathedral, 1605.
- 5 Bishop Richard Vaughan's articles for London diocese, 1605. Collated with:
- 6 Bishop Thomas Ravis's orders for Gloucester deanery, 1605.
- 7 Bishop Lancelot Andrewes's orders for Chichester diocese, 1606.
- 8 Archbishop Tobie Matthew's articles for York province, 1607. Collated with:
- 9 Bishop William Chaderton's articles for Lincoln diocese, 1607. Collated with:
- 10 Archbishop Richard Bancroft's orders for Canterbury Cathedral, 1609.
- 11 Royal Instructions to the episcopate, July 1610.
- 12 Royal Instructions to the episcopate, May 1611.
- 13 Archbishop George Abbot's articles for Gloucester diocese, 1612. Collated with:
- 14 Archbishop George Abbot's articles for Bristol Cathedral, 1612. Collated with
- 15 Archdeacon Robert Johnson's advertisements and articles for Leicester archdeaconry, 1613.
- 16 Archdeacon Lionel Sharpe's articles for Berkshire archdeaconry, 1615. Collated with:
- 17 Articles on foreigners and recusants in London archdeaconry, c.1615.
- 18 Bishop Samuel Harsnett's articles for Chichester Cathedral, 1616.
- 19 Bishop Thomas Dove's articles for Peterborough diocese, 1617. Collated with:
- 20 The Book of Sports, 1618.
- 21 Bishop Francis Godwin's orders on Sunday recreations in Hereford diocese, c. 1618-24.
- 22 Bishop John Bridgeman's articles for Chester Cathedral, 1619.
- 23 Bishop John Overall's articles for Norwich diocese, 1619. Collated with:
- 24 Bishop Lancelot Andrewes's articles for Winchester diocese, 1619. Collated with:
- 25 Bishop John Howson's articles for Oxford diocese, 1619. Collated with:
- 26 Bishop Theophilus Field's articles for Llandaff diocese, 1621.
- 27 Bishop George Montaigne's orders for London diocese, c. 1621-8.
- 28 Bishop Miles Smith's articles for Gloucester diocese, 1622.
- 29 Royal Directions to Preachers, 1622.
- 30 Bishop John Howson's letter accompanying the Directions to Preachers in Oxford diocese, 1622.
- Appendix: Bishop Samuel Harsnett's articles on lecturers from his set of articles for Norwich diocese, 1620.
- Index
22 - Bishop John Bridgeman's articles for Chester Cathedral, 1619.
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 September 2018
- Frontmatter
- Dedication
- Contents
- Acknowledgements
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Textual Conventions
- 1 Bishop Francis Godwin's Injunctions for Llandaff diocese, 1603.
- 2 Archbishop Richard Bancroft's letter to his commissioners for his metropolitical visitation, 1605.
- 3 Archbishop Richard Bancroft's articles for his metropolitical visitation of ten dioceses, 1605. Collated with:
- 4 Archbishop Richard Bancroft's articles for Wells Cathedral, 1605.
- 5 Bishop Richard Vaughan's articles for London diocese, 1605. Collated with:
- 6 Bishop Thomas Ravis's orders for Gloucester deanery, 1605.
- 7 Bishop Lancelot Andrewes's orders for Chichester diocese, 1606.
- 8 Archbishop Tobie Matthew's articles for York province, 1607. Collated with:
- 9 Bishop William Chaderton's articles for Lincoln diocese, 1607. Collated with:
- 10 Archbishop Richard Bancroft's orders for Canterbury Cathedral, 1609.
- 11 Royal Instructions to the episcopate, July 1610.
- 12 Royal Instructions to the episcopate, May 1611.
- 13 Archbishop George Abbot's articles for Gloucester diocese, 1612. Collated with:
- 14 Archbishop George Abbot's articles for Bristol Cathedral, 1612. Collated with
- 15 Archdeacon Robert Johnson's advertisements and articles for Leicester archdeaconry, 1613.
- 16 Archdeacon Lionel Sharpe's articles for Berkshire archdeaconry, 1615. Collated with:
- 17 Articles on foreigners and recusants in London archdeaconry, c.1615.
- 18 Bishop Samuel Harsnett's articles for Chichester Cathedral, 1616.
- 19 Bishop Thomas Dove's articles for Peterborough diocese, 1617. Collated with:
- 20 The Book of Sports, 1618.
- 21 Bishop Francis Godwin's orders on Sunday recreations in Hereford diocese, c. 1618-24.
- 22 Bishop John Bridgeman's articles for Chester Cathedral, 1619.
- 23 Bishop John Overall's articles for Norwich diocese, 1619. Collated with:
- 24 Bishop Lancelot Andrewes's articles for Winchester diocese, 1619. Collated with:
- 25 Bishop John Howson's articles for Oxford diocese, 1619. Collated with:
- 26 Bishop Theophilus Field's articles for Llandaff diocese, 1621.
- 27 Bishop George Montaigne's orders for London diocese, c. 1621-8.
- 28 Bishop Miles Smith's articles for Gloucester diocese, 1622.
- 29 Royal Directions to Preachers, 1622.
- 30 Bishop John Howson's letter accompanying the Directions to Preachers in Oxford diocese, 1622.
- Appendix: Bishop Samuel Harsnett's articles on lecturers from his set of articles for Norwich diocese, 1620.
- Index
Articles to be ministred to the deane subdeane prebendaries and the rest of the ministers and officers of the Cathedrall Church of Chester in the visitation of the reverend father in God John by Gods providence Bishoppe of Chester the xiiiith daie of June 1619.
1. Whether the deane cannons and prebendaries of this church and everie of them remained and tarried at and upon their dignities and prebends as the statuts of the said church and iniunctions of my predecessors doe require and how longe have they absented them selves from their said dignities and prebends contrarie to the said statuts and iniunctions since the third dale of Maye anno domini 1616. Whether they or anie of them have omitted to preach within the said church at times required by the said statuts and iniunctions or otherwise appointed by the kinges iniunctions since the same time or have omitted to keepe residence accordinge to the statuts and iniunctions afforsaid provided in that behalfe. Declare what you have crediblie heard, beleeve or doe knowe concerninge the premisses or any part thereof.
2. Whether the cannons prebendaries lecturer petticannons conducts or anie other minister officer or other member of the same church or anie other person resident within the precincts of the said church since the said third daie of May doe live or have sought to live incontinentlie or be or have bene of late vehementlie suspected or defamed therof or in seekinge after the same to the slaunder of their place office or callinge: doe haunt tavernes alehouses or anie place suspected or doe or latelie did use the companie of anie light women resortinge to their houses or chambers or other places or be suspected to suffer them or anie suspected companie to resort to their houses or chambers or whether anie of them be a drunkard, swearer, fighter, brawler, heretique, papist, or favourer of papistrie, dycer, carder, tabler or user of anie unlawfull games or otherwise doe geve anie offence by his or their life [or] conversation. Declare the manner wherein and how and what you knowe suspect beleeve or have crediblie heard in the premisses or any part therof and the parties offendinge.
- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Publisher: Boydell & BrewerPrint publication year: 1994