Book contents
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- Dedication
- Acknowledgements
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Textual Conventions
- 1 Bishop Valentine Carey's articles for Exeter diocese, 1625
- 2 Archdeacon Theophilus Aylmer's articles for London archdeaconry, 1625
- 3 Archdeacon Thomas Paske's order for London archdeaconry, 1627
- 4 Bishop Richard Montagu's articles for Chichester diocese, 1628
- 5 Royal declaration for the peace of the Church, 1628-9
- 6 Archbishop Samuel Harsnett's orders for York diocese, 1629
- 7 Royal instructions to the episcopate, 1629
- 8 Bishop Godfrey Goodman's articles for Gloucester diocese, 1631
- 9 Bishop Robert Wright's articles for Bristol diocese, 1631
- 10 Archdeacon Elizeus Burgess's articles for Rochester archdeaconry, c. 1632
- 11 Orders agreed on by the general vestry of St Bartholomew Exchange, London, 1633
- 12 Archbishop George Abbot's order on the reception of communion in Crayford church, Kent, 1633
- 13 Archbishop William Laud's metropolitical articles for Lincoln diocese, 1634
- 14 Archbishop William Laud's injunctions to parochial clergy during his metropolitical visitation, 1634-7
- 15 Archbishop William Laud's articles for Exeter cathedral, 1634
- 16 Bishop Edmund Griffith's articles for Bangor diocese, 1634
- 17 Dean Richard Steward's orders for the peculiar of Chichester deanery, 1635
- 18 Bishop William Juxon's articles for the London ministry, 1635
- 19 Bishop John Williams's order to rail in the communion tables in Lincoln diocese, 1635
- 20 Dean Richard Baylie's articles for the hospital of St John, Wilton, 1635
- 21 Bishop Matthew Wren's articles for Hereford diocese, 1635
- 22 Bishop Matthew Wren's orders for Norwich diocese, 1636
- 23 Bishop Matthew Wren's appointment of standing commissioners in Norwich diocese, c. 1636
- 24 Bishop John Thornborough's articles for Worcester cathedral, 1636
- 25 Archbishop Richard Neile's injunctions for Southwell minster, 1636
- 26 Bishop John Owen's articles for St Asaph diocese, 1637
- 27 Bishop William Juxon's injunctions for Barstable deanery, London diocese, 1637
- 28 Bishop Robert Skinner's charge in Bristol diocese, 1637
- 29 Bishop Richard Montagu's articles for Norwich diocese, 1638
- 30 Archdeacon William Kingsley's injunctions to the churchwardens of St Margaret, Canterbury, 1639
- 31 Archdeacon Ewers Gower's articles for Northumberland archdeaconry, 1639
- 32 Bishop John Towers's orders for Brackley combination lecture, Peterborough diocese, 1639
- 33 Bishop Richard Montagu's directions at a synod in Norwich diocese, 1639
- 34 Bishop William Juxon's articles for London diocese, 1640
- 35 Archdeacon Hugh Robinson's articles for Gloucester archdeaconry, 1641
- 36 Archdeacon William Higgins's articles for Derby archdeaconry, 1641
- Appendix: Visitation Articles 1603-1642: An Interim Listing
- Index
- Miscellaneous Endmatter
13 - Archbishop William Laud's metropolitical articles for Lincoln diocese, 1634
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 01 September 2018
- Frontmatter
- Contents
- Dedication
- Acknowledgements
- Abbreviations
- Introduction
- Textual Conventions
- 1 Bishop Valentine Carey's articles for Exeter diocese, 1625
- 2 Archdeacon Theophilus Aylmer's articles for London archdeaconry, 1625
- 3 Archdeacon Thomas Paske's order for London archdeaconry, 1627
- 4 Bishop Richard Montagu's articles for Chichester diocese, 1628
- 5 Royal declaration for the peace of the Church, 1628-9
- 6 Archbishop Samuel Harsnett's orders for York diocese, 1629
- 7 Royal instructions to the episcopate, 1629
- 8 Bishop Godfrey Goodman's articles for Gloucester diocese, 1631
- 9 Bishop Robert Wright's articles for Bristol diocese, 1631
- 10 Archdeacon Elizeus Burgess's articles for Rochester archdeaconry, c. 1632
- 11 Orders agreed on by the general vestry of St Bartholomew Exchange, London, 1633
- 12 Archbishop George Abbot's order on the reception of communion in Crayford church, Kent, 1633
- 13 Archbishop William Laud's metropolitical articles for Lincoln diocese, 1634
- 14 Archbishop William Laud's injunctions to parochial clergy during his metropolitical visitation, 1634-7
- 15 Archbishop William Laud's articles for Exeter cathedral, 1634
- 16 Bishop Edmund Griffith's articles for Bangor diocese, 1634
- 17 Dean Richard Steward's orders for the peculiar of Chichester deanery, 1635
- 18 Bishop William Juxon's articles for the London ministry, 1635
- 19 Bishop John Williams's order to rail in the communion tables in Lincoln diocese, 1635
- 20 Dean Richard Baylie's articles for the hospital of St John, Wilton, 1635
- 21 Bishop Matthew Wren's articles for Hereford diocese, 1635
- 22 Bishop Matthew Wren's orders for Norwich diocese, 1636
- 23 Bishop Matthew Wren's appointment of standing commissioners in Norwich diocese, c. 1636
- 24 Bishop John Thornborough's articles for Worcester cathedral, 1636
- 25 Archbishop Richard Neile's injunctions for Southwell minster, 1636
- 26 Bishop John Owen's articles for St Asaph diocese, 1637
- 27 Bishop William Juxon's injunctions for Barstable deanery, London diocese, 1637
- 28 Bishop Robert Skinner's charge in Bristol diocese, 1637
- 29 Bishop Richard Montagu's articles for Norwich diocese, 1638
- 30 Archdeacon William Kingsley's injunctions to the churchwardens of St Margaret, Canterbury, 1639
- 31 Archdeacon Ewers Gower's articles for Northumberland archdeaconry, 1639
- 32 Bishop John Towers's orders for Brackley combination lecture, Peterborough diocese, 1639
- 33 Bishop Richard Montagu's directions at a synod in Norwich diocese, 1639
- 34 Bishop William Juxon's articles for London diocese, 1640
- 35 Archdeacon Hugh Robinson's articles for Gloucester archdeaconry, 1641
- 36 Archdeacon William Higgins's articles for Derby archdeaconry, 1641
- Appendix: Visitation Articles 1603-1642: An Interim Listing
- Index
- Miscellaneous Endmatter
Articles to be enquired of in the metropoliticall visitation of the most reverend father, William, by Gods providence, Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, Primate of all England; and. Metropolitan: in and for the dioces of Lincolne in the yeere of our Lord God 1634, and in the first yeere of his graces translation.
Concerning the church, the ornaments thereof, and the churches possessions.
Whether have you in your severall churches, and chappels, the whole bible of the largest volume, and the booke of common prayer, both fairely and substantially bound. A font of stone, set up in the ancient usuali place: a convenient and decent communion table, with a carpet of silke, or some other decent stuffe, continually laid upon the same at time of divine service, and a faire linnen cloth thereon, at the time of the receiving of the holy communion. And whether is the same table placed in such convenient sort within the chancell or church, as that the minister may be best heard in his prayer and administration: and that the greatest number may communicate. And whether is it so used out of time of divine service, as is not agreeable to the holy use of it; as by sitting on it, throwing hats on it, writing on it, or is it abused to other prophaner uses: and are the ten commandements set upon the east end of your church or chappell where the people may best see and reade them, and other sen[ten]ces of holy scripture, written on the walles likewise for that purpose.
Whether are the afternoones sermons, in your severall parishes, turned into catechizing by question and answer; according to the forme prescribed in the booke of common praier? And whether doth every lecturer reade divine service, according to the liturgy printed by authoritie, in his surplice and hood before the lecture? And whether are his maiesties instructions in all things duly observed?
Whether have you in your said church or chappel, a convenient seat for your minister to reade service in, together with a comely pulpet set up in a convenient place, with a decent cloath or cushion for the same, a comely large surplice, a faire communion cup, with a cover of silver, a flagon of silver, tinne, or pewter,
- Type
- Chapter
- Information
- Publisher: Boydell & BrewerPrint publication year: 1998