- Cited by 5
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
2018. The Evolution of Goth Culture: The Origins and Deeds of the New Goths. p. 191.
Ioannidou, Elisavet 2022. From Crisis to Compensation: Reinventing Identity and Place in the Sideshow and the Laboratory. Humanities, Vol. 11, Issue. 1, p. 10.
Moasa, Horia Cunha, Miguel Pina e Clegg, Stewart and Sorea, Daniela 2023. Romancing leadership: temporality and the myths of Vlad Dracula. Management & Organizational History, Vol. 18, Issue. 2, p. 119.
Vintilă, Marian-Andrei and Merciu, Florentina-Cristina 2024. The Potential Effect of Video Games on Tourism in Romania. Case Study: Resident Evil Village. International conference KNOWLEDGE-BASED ORGANIZATION, Vol. 30, Issue. 2, p. 97.
Safavi, Sarvenaz 2025. History Vs. Myth A Comparative Semiotic Study of Vlad Dracula. Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental, Vol. 19, Issue. 1, p. e011024.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- November 2017
- Print publication year:
- 2017
- Online ISBN:
- 9781316597217
- Collection:
- Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics