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  • Cited by 70
  • Yang Su, University of California, Irvine
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2012
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Book description

The violence of Mao's China is well known, but its extreme form is not. In 1967 and 1968, during the Cultural Revolution, collective killings were widespread in rural China in the form of public execution. Victims included women, children, and the elderly. This book is the first to systematically document and analyze these atrocities, drawing data from local archives, government documents, and interviews with survivors in two southern provinces. This book extracts from the Chinese case lessons that challenge the prevailing models of genocide and mass killings and contributes to the historiography of the Cultural Revolution, in which scholarship has mainly focused on events in urban areas.


“This is a truly terrific book, and long overdue too, leaving behind the well-trodden ground of the Red Guards in Beijing to focus unflinchingly on the horror of mass killings in the countryside. Yang Su has written a model of rigorous scholarship that squarely places the Cultural Revolution where it should have been all along, in the area of genocide studies on a par with Rwanda, as villagers turned against villagers, slaughtering each other in the hundreds of thousands.”
—Frank Dikotter, University of Hong Kong, author of Mao’s Great Famine

“Theoretically, this book is the first attempt showing that the development of modern genocide is not only shaped by the ideologically charged nation state, but also by the local actors and structural forces in ways quite unintended by the state actors. Empirically, this book reminds us once again that the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) is one of the greatest tragedies of the modern world. It also turns our attention from the dynamics of the Cultural Revolution in China’s urban settings to the less known stories in rural areas. This book will be on our shelves as an outstanding work in the study of the Cultural Revolution and the politics of the Chinese communist regime, genocide study, and social movement research.”
—Dingxin Zhao, The University of Chicago

"Su tells a heart-rendering story and contributes new insights to the burgeoning academic literature on contentious politics and genocide."
— Andrew J. Nathan, Foreign Affairs

"Yang Su deserves great credit for uncovering the collective killings and for his penetrating analysis of their multiple causes"Jeremy Brown, Simon Fraser University, H-Net Reviews

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List of Unpublished Chinese Documents on Wen'ge
Cangwu Party Ratification Office 苍梧整党办公室, “Zaocheng yanzhong houguo de ‘sange huiyi’.” 造成严重后果的 “三个会议” [“Three Meetings That Caused Severe Consequences”].
Cangwu Party Ratification Office 苍梧整党办公室, “Zhulian yijia qikou de mingan” 株连一家七口的命案 [“The Causes for the Case that Killed Seven Family Members”], July 31, 1987.
,GXWGDSNB, Guangxi wen'ge dashi nianbiao bianxie xiaozu,广西文革大事年表编写小组. Guangxi wen'ge dashi nianbiao 广西文革大事年表. Los Angeles, CA: The Service Centre for Chinese Publications, 1995.
Zhonggong Guangxi zhengdang bangongshi jimi dangan 中共广西整党办公室 [Guangxi Ratification Office]. Guangxi Wenhua Da Geming Dashi Ji - 1968 nian 广西文化大革命大事记 1968 年. Unpublished documents, 1987.
Zhonggong Nanning diwei zhengdang bangongshi 中共南宁地委整党办公室 [Nanning Ratification Office]. Nanning diqu wenhua da geming dashi ji 1966–1976 南宁地区文化大革命大事记 1966-1976. Unpublished documents, 1987.
List of Chinese Articles That Cite Unpublished Documents with Page Numbers
小平头: “青山遮不住, 毕竟东流去” – – ”共特”封殺文革資訊阴谋破产记 Available at
广西”反共救国团”冤案始末 – 文革机密档案揭密之一 Available at
广西融安大屠杀 – – 文革机密档案揭密之二 Available at
广西 “上石农总” 冤案始末 – – 文革机密档案揭密之三 Available at
广西军区围剿凤山” 造反大军”真相 – – 文革机密档案揭密之四 Available at and
广西文革人吃人事件揭密-文革秘档揭密之五 全文完 Available at 六四天网》 首发.
广西文革人吃人事件揭密-文革秘档揭密之五 (博讯2007年3月14日 转载) Available at and
吴若愚: 中共机密文件记录的文革广西大屠杀 Available at
晓明: 广西文革列传 Available at


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