- Cited by 10
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Sabin, Philip van Wees, Hans and Whitby, Michael 1920. The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare.
Davies, J. K. 1984. The Cambridge Ancient History. p. 257.
Walbank, F. W. Astin, A. E. Frederiksen, M. W. and Ogilvie, R. M. 1984. The Cambridge Ancient History.
Bowman, Alan K. Garnsey, Peter and Rathbone, Dominic 2000. The Cambridge Ancient History.
Mossé, Claude 2011. Périclès et l'impérialisme athénien de Thucydide à l'historiographie contemporaine. Dialogues d'histoire ancienne, Vol. S5, Issue. Supplement5, p. 49.
2011. A Companion to the Punic Wars. p. 499.
Carusi, Cristina 2012. The Encyclopedia of Ancient History.
Notario, Fernando 2017. Dossier : Soigner par les lettres. p. 231.
Xekalaki, Georgia 2021. On Borders and Expansion: Egyptian Imperialism in the Levant during the Ramesside Period. Heritage, Vol. 4, Issue. 4, p. 3938.
Łukaszewicz, Adam 2021. Caracalla in Egypt (A.D. 215–216).
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- June 2014
- Print publication year:
- 1979
- Online ISBN:
- 9781107297937
- Series:
- Cambridge Classical Studies