- Cited by 5
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Macallan, Brian Claude 2021. Freedom as a Centralizing Motif in the Work of Henri Bergson. Process Studies, Vol. 50, Issue. 1, p. 67.
Rein Retana, Paula 2023. La atención a la vida. Ciencia, metafísica y método en Bergson. Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, Vol. 56, Issue. 1, p. 9.
Leung, King-Ho 2023. Bergson, Pan(en)theism, and ‘Being-in-Life’. Sophia, Vol. 62, Issue. 2, p. 293.
Oriekhova, Arina 2023. The Apology of Bergson: timeless duration. Lovasz, A. (2021). Updating Bergson: A Philosophy of the Enduring Present. Lanham: Lexington books.. Sententiae, Vol. 42, Issue. 3, p. 161.
Antliff, Mark 2024. Bergson’s Legacy among the Avant-Garde: Intuition, Aesthetics, and Political Ideology. Bergsoniana, Vol. 4, Issue. ,
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- November 2019
- Print publication year:
- 2019
- Online ISBN:
- 9781108367455
- Subjects:
- Twentieth-Century Philosophy, Philosophy