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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
December 2017
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An observatory and a lighthouse form the nexus of this major new investigation of science, religion, and the state in late Ottoman Egypt. Astronomy, imperial bureaucrats, traditionally educated Muslim scholars, and reformist Islamic publications, such as The Lighthouse, are linked to examine the making of knowledge, the performance of piety, and the operation of political power through scientific practice. Contrary to ideas of Islamic scientific decline, Muslim scholars in the nineteenth century used a dynamic tradition of knowledge to measure time, compute calendars, and predict planetary positions. The rise of a 'new astronomy' is revealed to owe much to projects of political and religious reform: from the strengthening of the multiple empires that exercised power over the Nile Valley; to the 'modernization' of Islamic centers of learning; to the dream of a global Islamic community that would rely on scientific institutions to coordinate the timing of major religious duties.


'Daniel A. Stolz’s study on the history of astronomy in nineteenth-century Egypt is a piece of superb scholarship. It sheds new light on the questions of science and religion, history of science in a non-European context, and of how science changed during a period that saw the rise of new forms of scientific training, politics, techniques and readership.'

Khaled Fahmy - Sultan Qaboos Chair of Modern Arabic Studies, University of Cambridge

'Pace the hallowed historiography of ‘invented traditions', Daniel A. Stolz’s fine-grained analysis shows how modernities contrapuntally were digested by traditions of knowing. In the ‘scholarly astronomy’ of the nineteenth-century Egyptian ‘ulama' he discovers a living tradition of scientific practices that dynamically engaged with modern Western sciences. Firmly grounded in the archive and analyzed with aplomb, the book inaugurates an entirely new chapter in the historiography of science beyond the West.'

Projit Bihari Mukharji - University of Pennsylvania

'This eloquent and deeply researched book shows how the technical apparatus and knowledge of modern sciences were drafted into projects of Islamic reform in late Ottoman Egypt around 1900. Science helped redefine communities of knowledge according to diverse and often conflicting geographies of empire and belief, while framing new horizons for historical understanding: practices of worship were modernized even as astronomy was recast within a centuries-old Islamic tradition. Engagingly written, sophisticated and fascinating, Stolz's book is an eye-opening read for historians of science, empire, and religion.'

John Tresch - University of Pennsylvania

'… this excellent book lays the groundwork and changes for ever our perception of the relationship between science and Islam in modern Egypt.'

Adam Mestyan Source: Isis

‘The Lighthouse and the Observatory should be required reading for historians of science of the long nineteenth century as well as for scholars of modern Egypt … The Lighthouse and the Observatory is a clear-eyed demonstration of the fact that while scientific ideas, practices, and technologies might circulate throughout different regions of the globe, histories of science are made through their articulations in specific geographies, knowledge practices, politics, and broader cultural concerns.’

Jennifer L. Derr Source: American Historical Review

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In alphabetizing last names, I have ignored initial articles such as al-, de, and von, but not Ibn. For authors who bore multiple Arabic nisba names, the alphabetization follows the name by which they are most commonly known (e.g., “al-Khudari al-Dimyati, Muhammad,” rather than “al-Dimyati, Muhammad al-Khudari”).


  • Bibliotheca Alexandrina

  • Dar al-Wathaʾiq al-Qawmiyya (Egyptian National Archives)

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  • Jackson Library, University of North Carolina, Greensboro

    • Ethel Mary Smyth letters

  • L’Observatoire de Paris

    • Carnets d’observations d’astronomes, 1841–1908

      • Ismail Effendi Moustapha, 1854–61

    • Les éclipses

    • Longitudes et latitudes astronomiques, 1862–64

    • Manuscrits Yvon Villarceau

  • Royal Astronomical Society (London)

    • Reynolds Papers

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  • Science Museum (London and Wroughton)

    • Henry Lyons Papers

  • Special Collections Library, Cambridge University

  • Royal Greenwich Observatory Archives

    • George Biddell Airy Papers

    • William Christie Papers

    • Frank Dyson Papers

    • George Lyon Tupman Papers

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  • Al-Ahram

  • Cairo Scientific Journal

  • Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences

  • Eastern Daily Mail and Straits Morning Advertiser

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  • Himarat Munyati

  • Al-Jinan

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  • Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

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  • Rawdat al-Madaris

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  • Ruznâme-i Vekâyi-i Mısriye

  • Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser

  • The Straits Times


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Batru, ʿIsa. Qatf azhar rawdat al-kaʾinat, wa-ma qasahu Adam min al-imtihanat. MS Or. 12.334, Leiden University.
Al-Biruni, Abu Rayhan. Al-Istiʿab bi-l-wujuh al-mumkina fi sinaʿat al-asturlab. MS K 8528, ENL.
Al-Dimashqi, ʿAbd al-Latif. Al-Manhaj al-Aqrab li-Tashih Mawqiʿ al-ʿAqrab. Isl Ms. 808, Michigan; MSS DM 812, DM 1104, TR 286, Z 822, ENL.
Al-Husayni, Ahmad. Tabaqat al-Shafiʿiyya. MS Taymur: Tarikh 1411, ENL.
Hüsnü, Hüseyin. Tercume-i zij-i Lalande. Ms T 6553, Istanbul University.
Ibn Hasan, Ibrahim “Shihab al-Din.” Sharh al-Lumʿa fi Hall al-Kawakib al-Sabʿa. MS DM 638, ENL.
Ibn Hasan, Ibrahim Sharh Muqaddimat Mahmud Qutb al-Mahalli. MS ṬM 225, ENL.
Ibn Qasim, Ahmad. Tuhfat al-Ikhwan. MS DM 1016, ENL.
Ibn Qasim, Ahmad. Wasilat al-mubtadiʾin li-ʿilm ghurrat al-shuhur wa-l-sinin. MS DM 1016, ENL.
Al-Jurjani, ʿAli b. Muhammad al-Sharif. Sharh al-tadhkira. MSS TH 32, TH 42, DH 103, DH 91, DH 86, ENL.
Al-Kawm al-Rishi, Abuʾl-ʿAbbas Ahmad ibn Ghulam Allah ibn Ahmad. Al-Lumʿa fi Hall al-Kawakib al-Sabʿa. MS Arabe 2526, BnF; MS Arab 249, Houghton Library, Harvard University.
Al-Khashshab, ʿAli. Risala mukhtasira fi taʿdil al-zaman wa-l-kusufat wa-l-khusuf. MS DM 261, ENL.
Al-Khawaniki, Ramadan b. Salih. Jadawil Mawqiʿ al-Saʿat ʿala Hasab Awqat al-Salawat. Isl. MS 808, Michigan; MS DM 812 and Z 822, ENL.
Al-Khudari al-Dimyati, Muhammad. Sharh al-Lumʿa fi Hall al-Kawakib al-Sabʿa. Isl. Ms. 772, Michigan; MSS 397 Bakhit 45606, 379 ʿArusi 42758, 374 ʿArusi 42753, Azhar; MSS 523.4089927 and 520.89927, QNL.
Al-Khudari al-Dimyati, Muhammad. Sharh Zad al-Musafir fi maʿrifat wadʿ fadl al-daʾir. MS ṬM 124, ENL.
De Lalande, J.J. Al-Mukhtasar fi ʿilm al-falak. Trans. Basili Fakhr et al. MSS Arabe 2554 and 2555, BnF.
Al-Nabuli, Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Rahman. Kashf al-Hijab ʿan Murshid al-Tullab, Ms 386 ʿArusi 42765, Azhar.
Al-Nabuli, Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Rahman. Natijat mawqiʿ ʿaqrab al-saʿat ʿala qadr hisas awaʾil awqat al-salawat fi al-shuhur al-qibtiyya. MS 317 al-Saqqa 28898, Azhar.
Al-Nisaburi, Nizam al-Din. Tawdih al-tadhkira. MS DH 88, ENL.
Al-Sannar, Muhammad. Kitab Rawdat al-Fasaha fi ʿIlmay al-Handasa wa-l-Misaha. MS TR 95, ENL.
Al-Shafiʿi, Mustafa Muhammad. Risala fi dhawat al-adhnab wa-takhtiʾat man zaʿm fanaʾ al-ʿalam biʾstidam al-ard bi-najm dhi dhanab. MS TR 82, ENL.
Al-Sharbatli, Ahmad ibn Ibrahim. Dustur Usul ʿIlm al-Miqat. Isl. Ms. 760, Michigan.
Al-Tahhan, Ibn Abi al-Khayr al-Husayni al-Armayuni. Al-Durra al-Mudiʾa fi Sharh al-Lumʿa al-Bahiyya. MS K 4009, ENL.
Voulgaris, Eugenios. Kitab fi al-miʾa sina al-ula min tajassud al-masih al-mukhallis. Trans. ʿIsa Batru. Ms Isl. Ms. 3rd Ser. no. 828, Princeton University.
Yahya, Husayn. Jadwal al-tawqiʿat al-yawmiyya wa-fihi samt al-qibla. MS K 4011.2, ENL.
Zayid, Husayn. Al-Matlaʿ al-saʿid fi hisabat al-kawakib al-sabʿa ʿala al-rasd al-jadid. MS ṬM 193, ENL.

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