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  • Cited by 157
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2012
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Book description

Originating from a summer school taught by the authors, this concise treatment includes many of the main results in the area. An introductory chapter describes the fundamental results on linear algebraic groups, culminating in the classification of semisimple groups. The second chapter introduces more specialized topics in the subgroup structure of semisimple groups and describes the classification of the maximal subgroups of the simple algebraic groups. The authors then systematically develop the subgroup structure of finite groups of Lie type as a consequence of the structural results on algebraic groups. This approach will help students to understand the relationship between these two classes of groups. The book covers many topics that are central to the subject, but missing from existing textbooks. The authors provide numerous instructive exercises and examples for those who are learning the subject as well as more advanced topics for research students working in related areas.


"This book provides a concise introduction to the theory of linear algebraic groups over an algebraically closed field (of arbitrary charachteristic) and the closely related finite groups of Lie type. Although there are several good books covering a similar range of topics, some important recent developments are treated here for the first time.
This book is well written and the style of exposition is clear and reader-friendly, making it suitable for graduate students. The content is well organized, and the authors have sensibly avoided overloading the text with technical details."
Timothy C. Burness for Mathematical Reviews

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