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Cambridge University Press
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September 2009
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Conditional constructions have long fascinated linguists, grammarians and philosophers. In this pioneering new study, Barbara Dancygier and Eve Sweetser offer a new descriptive framework for the study of conditionality, broadening the range of richly described conditional constructions. They explore theoretical issues such as the mental-space-building processes underlying conditional thinking and the form-meaning relationship involved in expressing conditionality. Using a broad range of attested English conditional constructions, the book examines inter-constructional relationships. Within the framework of Mental Spaces Theory, shared parameters of meaning are shown to be relevant to conditional constructions generally, as well as related temporal and causal constructions. This significant contribution to the field will be welcomed by a wide range of researchers in theoretical and cognitive linguistics.


' … a thorough and challenging analysis of conditional constructions in English … a genuinely new approach … Mental Spaces in Grammar: Conditional Constructions is an excellent and intriguing study.'

Source: Linguistics: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the Language Sciences

'… a thorough and challenging analysis of conditional constructions in English. … a genuinely new approach … Mental Spaces in Grammar: Conditional Constructions is an excellent and intriguing study …'

William Van Belle and Ingrid Van Canegem-Ardijns - University of Leuven

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Charlotte Armstrong. 1943. The Case of the Weird Sisters (Zebra Books reprint, 1992)
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Georgette Heyer. 1968. Cousin Kate. E. P. Dutton. (Bantam Books paperback 1970)
Christopher Koch. 1978. The Year of Living Dangerously. Penguin Books
Sara Paretsky. 1994. Tunnel Vision. Dell Publishing
Sara Paretsky. 1999. Hard Time. Dell Publishing
Richard North Patterson. 1999. Dark Lady. Random House. (Arrow Books paperback 2000)
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Dorothy L. Sayers. 1927. Clouds of Witness. Harper and Row. (Avon paperback 1966)
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Noel Streatfeild. 1951. White Boots. Collins (Puffin paperback 1951)
Susan Sontag. 2000. In America. Picador USA
Neal Stephenson. 1992. Snow Crash. Bantam Books
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P. L. Travers. 1934. Mary Poppins. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
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Anne Tyler. 1985. The Accidental Tourist. Penguin Books
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