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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
September 2009
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Sociology: General Interest, Political Sociology, Sociology of Science and Medicine, Sociology

Book description

Pharmacogenetics, the use of genetic testing to prescribe and develop drugs, has been hailed as a revolutionary development for the pharmaceutical industry and modern medicine. Supporters of 'personalised medicine' claim the result will be safer, cheaper, more effective drugs, and their arguments are beginning to influence policy debates. Based on interviews with clinicians, researchers, regulators and company representatives, this book explores the impact of pharmacogenetics on clinical practice, following two cases of personalised medicine as they make their way from the laboratory to the clinic. It highlights the significant differences between the views of supporters of pharmacogenetics in industry and those who use the technology at the clinical 'coal face'. Theoretically, this work builds on the developing area of the sociology of socio-technical expectations, highlighting the way in which promoters of new technologies build expectations around it, through citation and the creation of technological visions.


Winner of the Sociology of Health and Illness Book of the Year awarded by The British Sociological Association Medical Sociology Group

Winner of the Philip Abrams Memorial Prize awarded by the British Sociological Association for the best first and sole-authored book within the discipline of Sociology


“Well organized and well written, this book is a useful, relevant andtimely read for social scientists interested in issues of science, technology,biomedicine, and healthcare” - Ryan Reikowsky, University ofArizona.

“As a study in the social construction of scientific and clinical knowledge, thisbook can hardly be bettered. It is clearly and interestingly written, and the readercannot fail to be impressed by the subtleties of Hedgecoe's argument.” – Richard Ashcroft, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

“It is conceptually innovative and empirically grounded, and points to a new way of looking at the process of technical change in medicine. – Paul Martin, University of Nottingham, UK

"...Hedgecoe's study both illumniates new perspectives on pharmacogenetics, and serves as a welcome corrective to work within medical sociology which...implicityly depreciates the role of politics in medicine." Linsey McGoey, London School of Economics and Political Science, British Journal of Sociology

"...this work is an extremely useful addition to STS and to anyone interested in a long-term perspective on drug development." -Emily Marden, Science, Technology & Human Values

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