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Cambridge University Press
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July 2012
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Based on years of in-depth field research, this book unravels the complexities of the Yemeni state and its domestic politics with a particular focus on the post-1990 years. The central thesis is that Yemen continues to suffer from regional fragmentation which has endured for centuries. En route the book discusses the rise of President Salih, his tribal and family connections, Yemen's civil war in 1994, the war's consequences later in the decade, the spread of radical movements after the US military response to 9/11 and finally developments leading to the historic events of 2011. This book sets a new standard for scholarship on Yemeni politics and it is essential reading for anyone interested in the modern Middle East, the 2011 Arab revolts and twenty-first-century Islamic politics.


"In Regionalism and Rebellion in Yemen Dr. Stephen Day builds on almost two decades of research and active engagement with political developments in the country to produce a well-written account of sociopolitical transformation after the unification of the former Yemen Arab Republic and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen in 1990" -Thanos Petouris, SOAS, University of London, Middle East Journal

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