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  • Cited by 44
  • Cedric Boeckx, ICREA (Catalan Institute for Advanced Studies) and University of Barcelona
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
August 2012
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The phenomenon of the syntactic 'island' - a clause or structure from which a word cannot be moved - is central to research and study in syntactic theory. This book provides a comprehensive overview of syntactic islands. What are they? How do they arise? Why do they exist? Cedric Boeckx discusses the pros and cons of all the major generative accounts of island effects, and focuses the discussion on whether islands are narrowly syntactic effects, are due to interface factors or are 'merely' performance effects. Thanks to the diversity of island effects, readers are given a unique opportunity to familiarize themselves with all the major research styles and types of analysis in theoretical linguistics and have the chance to reflect on the theoretical implications of concrete natural language examples, allowing them to develop their own synthesis.


‘Cedric Boeckx synthesizes five decades of research with Haj Ross and Noam Chomsky at the helm and recasts it in a manner only a select few scholars are capable of.'

Kleanthes K. Grohmann - University of Cyprus

‘Islands are a hot topic and Cedric Boeckx's wonderful book is the perfect guide through the current debates.'

Norbert Hornstein - University of Maryland

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Suggestions for further study and recommended readings
Abels, K. 2003 Successive-cyclicity, anti-locality, and adposition strandingUniversity of Connecticut
Abels, K.Bentzen, K. 2009 A note on the punctuated nature of movement pathsCatalan Journal of Linguistics 8 19
Abrusán, M. 2007 Contradiction and grammar: the case of weak islandsMIT
Abrusán, M. 2011 Wh-islands in Degree QuestionsSemantics and Pragmatics 4 1
Abrusán, M. 2011 Presuppositional and negative islands: a semantic accountNatural Language Semantics 19 257
Adger, D. 2003 Core SyntaxOxford University Press
Adger, D.Ramchand, G. 2005 Merge and Move: Wh-dependencies revisitedLinguistic Inquiry 36 161
Alberch, P. 1989 The logic of monsters: Evidence for internal constraint in development and evolutionGeobios, mémoire spécial 12 21
Aoun, J.Li, Y.-H. A. 2003 Essays on the Representational and Derivational Nature of Grammar: The Diversity of Wh-constructionsCambridge, MassMIT Press
Arsenijević, B.Hinzen, W.To appear. On the absence of X-within-X recursion in human grammarLinguistic Inquiry
Beck, S. 1996 Quantified structures as barriers for LF-movementNatural Language Semantics 4 1
Beck, S. 2006 Intervention effects follow from focus interpretationNatural Language Semantics 14 1
Berwick, R.Weinberg, A. 1984 The Grammatical Basis of Linguistic PerformanceCambridge, MassMIT Press
Bever, T. G. 1970 The cognitive basis for linguistic structuresCognition and the Development of LanguageHayes, J. R.279New YorkWiley
Boeckx, C. 2003 Islands and ChainsAmsterdamJohn Benjamins
Boeckx, C. 2003 Free word order in minimalist syntaxFolia Linguistica 37 77
Boeckx, C. 2006 Linguistic Minimalism: Origins, Concepts, Methods, and AimsOxford University Press
Boeckx, C. 2007 Understanding Minimalist Syntax: Lessons from Locality in Long-distance DependenciesOxfordBlackwell
Boeckx, C. 2008 Bare SyntaxOxford University Press
Boeckx, C. 2008 IslandsLanguage and Linguistics Compass 2 151
Boeckx, C. 2008 Aspects of the Syntax of AgreementLondonRoutledge
Boeckx, C. 2008
Boeckx, C. 2009 Merge alpha: Merging and filtering. Presented at the conference on Minimalist approaches to syntactic localityMinimalist Approaches to Syntactic LocalitySuranyi, B.Cambridge University Press.]
Boeckx, C. 2010 Defeating lexiconcentrism. MsICREA/UAB
Boeckx, C. 2010 Linguistic minimalismOxford Handbook of Grammatical AnalysisHeine, B.Narrog, H.485Oxford University Press
Boeckx, C. 2011 The Oxford Handbook of Linguistic MinimalismOxford University Press
Boeckx, C. 2011
Boeckx, C. 2011 Narrow syntax unchainedPresented at the “Chains in Minimalism” workshop
Boeckx, C.Gallego, A. 2011 Deriving CED effects from phases: some reasons for skepticismMs., ICREA/UAB
Boeckx, C., K. K.Grohmann, 2007 Putting phases in perspectiveSyntax 10 204
Boeckx, C.Hornstein, N. 2008 Superiority, reconstruction, and islandsFoundational Issues in Linguistic TheoryFreidin, R.Otero, C.Zubizarreta, M. L.Cambridge, MassMIT Press
Boeckx, C.Jeong, Y. 2004 The fine structure of intervention in syntaxIssues in Current Linguistic Theory: A Festschrift for Hong Bae LeeKwon, C.Lee, W.83SeoulKyunchin
Boeckx, C.Lasnik, H. 2006 Intervention and repairLinguistic Inquiry 37 150
Bošković, Ž.Takahashi, D. 1998 Scrambling and last resortLinguistic Inquiry 29 347
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