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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 March 2019
Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) Is a well established technique for the microcharacterization of solid samples. SIMS is able to detect all the elements in the periodic table, from H to U, and their isotopes. It Is unique among the common surface analytical techniques in its ability to detect H directly. SIMS has high sensitivity, ppm to ppb, for most elements. It has good depth and lateral resolution, 5-10nm and 1-2µ, respectively. Sample preparation is minimal and almost any sample oan be accommodated. In addition, molecular SIMS offers the chance to obtain chemical information about the sample. As a result of these features, SIMS has found applications in many fields; The techniques related to SIMS that will be described at the end of this paper differ primarily in their methods of generating secondary ions. This leads to differences in the information obtained and the types of samples which can be analyzed. This paper will be a brief introduction to the field of SIMS. Several reviews and a recently published text are available in the literature.