Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 July 2016
The first meeting of the 1928-29 Session of the Royal Aeronautical Society was held in the rooms of the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, London, W.C.2, on Thursday, October 4th, 1928.
The President : Mr. North is one of the foremost designers in the country. Since early in 1911 he had devoted his activities exclusively to aeronautics and for many years had been responsible for the design of all aircraft produced by Boulton and Paul, of Norwich.
Mr. North had been very intimately connected with the design of the Government airship now in an advanced stage of construction at Cardington. His great experience of light steel structures had been utilised to the full in this connection.
Note on page 2 * Cf. N.A.C.A. Report No. 288, 1928.
Note on page 2 † Unpublished.
Note on page ‡ v. * “Two-dimensional Aerofoil Theory,” by Muriel Glauert, Aeronautical Journal, XXVII., July, 1923.
Note on page 2 § See App. I., “Some Modern Developments in Rigid Airship Construction,” by Richmond, Inst, N,A, Session 69, Paper 9.
Note on page 6 * Appendix VIII.
Note on page 6 * Cf. tables given in Appendix A, “Technical Development of the Aeroplane,” by J. D. North, Int. Air Congress, London, 1923.