Due to a technical processing error, this article published with uncorrected errors, as detailed below.
The following references were omitted from the reference list:
Ifft, J., D. Rajagopal, and R. Weldzius 2019. “Ethanol Plant Location and Land Use: A Case Study of CRP and the Ethanol Mandate.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 41(1): 1–19, DOI:10.1093/aepp/ppy007.
Wu, J., and R.M. Adams 2001. “Production Risk, Acreage Decisions and Implications for Revenue Insurance Programs.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 49(1): 19–35.
In the in-text citation, the correct date for reference Ifft, Rajagopal, and Weldzuis is 2019.
Equations 7 and 8 display a symbol that should not be there, and equation 8 is missing a closing curly bracket. The correct equations are given below:

A typo in note 28 conveys the opposite meaning from that intended. The correct note 28 is:
Cameron, Gelbach, and Miller (2011) show that for the nested clusters, it is best to aggregate to the highest level possible while maintaining enough clusters for estimation. I find that standard errors are significantly smaller when clustering at the county level, which may produce a Type I error in testing coefficient significance.
The following references should not have been included in the final version of the article: Coble et al. (1997), Ferris and Siikamaki (2009), Glauber and Collins (2002), Goodwin and Smith (2013), Heimlich et al. (2003), Reynolds et al. (2007), Roberts et al. (2006), Schoengold et al. (2014), Sullivan et al. (2004), Wu (2000).
The publisher apologizes for these errors.