Published online by Cambridge University Press: 25 January 2017
I am indebted to my former Galapagos colleague, Mr. Joseph R. Slevin, Curator of Herpetology, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, for the following data which may have some pertinence in the moot problem of Amerindian archaeology in the Galapagos Islands. Mr. Slevin, recently in London, excerpted portions of the original logs and diaries of early voyagers to the Galapagos for his book on that group.
From the log book of the Ship Rattler, Captain James Colnett, R. N., April 26, 1794, referring to James Island: “At several places he [the chief mate] stopped found numbers of jars, old iron, and a decayed dagger and several other articles decayed with time and which we still conjecture was left here by the buccaneers.” The whaling master of the Rattler also found broken pieces of jars.
Apropos of buccaneers leaving supplies are the following quotations from the diaries of buccaneer Captains Davies and Ambrose Cowley.