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Clifford Evans, 1920–1981
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References Cited
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Tendencias actuales de la investigación arqueológica en América Latina. Panamerican Union, Ciencias Sociales
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Adovasio, J. M.
1958j (With Betty, J. Meggers) Review of Method and theory in American archaeology, by Gordon Willey, R. and Philip, Phillips. American Antiquity
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Adovasio, J. M.
Review of The marches of El Dorado: British Guiana, Brazil, Venezuela, by Michael Swan. Hispanic American HistoricaJ Review
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Adovasio, J. M.
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Adovasio, J. M.
1958n (With Betty, J. Meggers) Identificaçāo das áreas culturais e dos tipos de cultura na base da cerâmica das jazidas arqueológicas. Arquivos do Museu Nacional
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Adovasio, J. M.
Archeology: western hemisphere. In The Americana Annual 1959, pp. 44–45. Americana Corp., New York.Google Scholar
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Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Etnologia brasileira (Fulniõ-os últimos Tapuias), by Estavão Pinto. Hispanic American Historical Review
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Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Samatari (Orinoco-Amazoni), by Alfonso Vinci. Hispanic American Historical Review
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Review of Hiléia amazonica: aspectos da flora, fauna, Arqueológia e etnografia indígenas, third ed., by Gastao, Cruls. Hispanic American Historical Review
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Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Manual de la cerámica indígena, by Antonio, Serrano. Hispanic American Historical Review, 39:483.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1959g (With Betty, J. Meggers) O emprêgo do método comparativo na interpretação arqueológica. Revista Sociologia
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Adovasio, J. M.
1959h (With Betty, J. Meggers) Archaeology: South America (except Colombia and Venezuela). In Handbook of Latin American Studies
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1960b (With George, Quimby) American Indian. In The World Book Encyclopedia, 1960, pp. 108–139. Chicago.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Archaeology: western hemisphere. The Americana Annual
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Adovasio, J. M.
1960d (With Betty Meggers, J. and José M., Cruxent) Preliminary results of archeological investigations along the Orinoco and Ventuari rivers. Actas del XXXIII Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, San José, Costa Rica, 1958:359–369.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1960e (With Betty, J. Meggers) Archeological investigations in British Guiana. Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 177.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1960f (With Betty, J. Meggers) A new dating method using obsidian, Part II. An archaeological evaluation of the method. American Antiquity
25:523–537.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Native peoples of South America, by Julian Steward, H. and Louis, Faron. American Antiquity
26:123–124.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Review of The archeology of the lower Tapajós Valley, Brazil, by Helen, C. Palmatary, The Hispanic American Historical Review
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Adovasio, J. M.
Review of A jazida José Vieira: um sitio Guaraní e pre-cerâmico do interior do Paraná, by Annette Laming and José Emperaire. American Antiquity
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Adovasio, J. M.
1960j (Assistant editor) Guianas, Ecuador, and Brazil. Abstracts of New World Archaeology
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Adovasio, J. M.
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Adovasio, J. M.
Review (Spanish translation) of Native Peoples of South America, by Julian Steward, H. and Louis, Faron. Revista Interamericana de Ciencias Sociales (Segunda epoca)
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Adovasio, J. M.
Review of O sambaquí do Macedo, A.52.B-Paraná, Brasil, by Wesley Hurt, R. and Oldemar, Blasi. American Antiquity
27:122–123.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Ecuador 1960: Verslag van een Archaeologische Studiereis, by Hans, Feriz. American Antiquity
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Adovasio, J. M.
1961d (Assistant editor) Guianas, Ecuador and Brazil. Abstracts of New World Archaeology
2:156-159, 162-164.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1961e (Contributing editor, with Betty, J. Meggers) Archaeology: South America (except Colombia and Venezuela). Handbook of Latin American Studies
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Adovasio, J. M.
1961f (Contributing editor, with Michael, J. Harner) Ethnology: South America. Handbook of Latin American Studies
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Adovasio, J. M.
Review of An archeological chronology of Venezuela (2 vols.), by José, Cruxent and Irving, Rouse. American Journal of Archaeology
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Adovasio, J. M.
1961i (With Betty, J. Meggers) An experimental formulation of horizon styles in the tropical forest area of South America. In Essays in Pre-Colombian art and archaeology, by Samuel Lothrop, K. et al„ pp. 372–388. Harvard University Press, Cambridge.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
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1962b (With Emílio, Estrada and Betty, J. Meggers) Possible transpacific contact on the coast of Ecuador. Science
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Adovasio, J. M.
Review (in Spanish) of Los Charruas: síntesis etnográfica y arqueológica del Uruguay, Montevideo, 1960, by Serafín, Cordero. Revista Interamericana de Ciencias SociaJes (Segunda epoca) 1(3):437.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1962e (With Betty, J. Meggers) Use of organic temper for carbon dating in lowland South America. American Antiquity, 28:243–245.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1962f (Contributing editor, with Betty, J. Meggers) Archaeology: South America (except Colombia and Venezuela). Handbook of Latin American Studies
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Adovasio, J. M.
1962g (With Betty, J. Meggers) The Machalilla Culture: an Early Formative complex on the Ecuadorian coast. American Antiquity
28:186–192.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1963a (With Emílio, Estrada) Cultural development in Ecuador. In Aboriginal cultural development in Latin America: an interpretative review. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections
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Adovasio, J. M.
1963b (Editor, with Betty, J. Meggers) Aboriginal cultural development in Latin America: an interpretative review. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections
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Adovasio, J. M.
1963c (Contributing editor, with Betty, J. Meggers) Archaeology: South America (except Colombia and Venezuela). Handbook of Latin American Studies
25:26–34.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Edición extraordinaria en homenaje al cincuentenario del descubrimiento de Machupicchu: Revista del Museo e Instituto Arqueológico, Universidad Nacional del Cuzco. American Antiquity
29:398.Google Scholar
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Review of A preceramic settlement on the central coast of Peru: Asia, Unit I, by Frederick Engel. American Anthropologist
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Lowland South America. In Prehistoric man in the New World, edited by Jesse Jennings, D. and Edward, Norbeck, pp. 419–450. University of Chicago Press.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Review of The Accokeek Creek site, a middle Atlantic seaboard culture sequence, by Robert Stephenson, L. and Alice L. L., Ferguson. American Anthropologist
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Adovasio, J. M.
1964e (With Betty, J. Meggers) Genealogical and demographic information on the Wai Wai of British Guiana. In Beiträge zur Völkerkunde Sudamerikas, Festgabe für Herbert Baldus zum 65 Geburtstag, edited by Hans, Becher, pp. 199–207. Völkerkundliche Abhandlungen Band I, Des Niedersdchsischen Landesmuseum Abteilung für Völkerkunde. Hanover.Google Scholar
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Review of Arqueológía cronológica de Venezuela, by José Cruxent, M. and Irving, Rouse. The Hispanic American Historical Review
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Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Archaeological techniques for amateurs, by Philip, C. Hammond. American Antiquity
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Adovasio, J. M.
1964h (With Betty, J. Meggers) British Guiana archaeology: a return to the original interpretations. American Antiquity
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Adovasio, J. M.
Review of The Norse Atlantic saga, being the Norse voyages of discovery and settlement to Iceland, Greenland, America, by Gwyn, Jones. American Anthropologist
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Adovasio, J. M.
1964J (With Emílio, Estrada and Betty, J. Meggers) The Jambeli Culture of south coastal Ecuador. Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum
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Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Archaeology of the Diquis Delta, Costa Rica, by Lothrop, S. K.. American Anthropologist
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Adovasio, J. M.
1964l (With Betty, J. Meggers) Review of Venezuelan archaeology, by Irving, Rouse and José, Cruxent. American Antiquity
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Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Pre-Colombian architecture, by Donald Robertson. American Anthropologist
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Adovasio, J. M.
1964n (With Betty, J. Meggers) Especulaciones sobre rutas tempranas de difusión de la cerémica entre Sur y Mesoámerica. Hombre y Cultura
1(3):1–15.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Treasures of ancient America: the arts of Pre-Colombian civilizations from Mexico to Peru, by Lothrop, S. K.
American Anthropologist
67:159–160.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Andes 2, Excavations at Kotosh, Peru, by Seiichi Izumi and Toshihiko Sono. American Anthropologist
67:160–162.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1965c (With Betty, J. Meggers) Cronología relativa y absolute en la costa del Ecuador. Cuadernos de Historia y Arqueológía, Año XI 1961(27):3–8. Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo del Guayas, Guayaquil.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Ancient ruins and archaeology, by Sprague de Camp, L. and Catherine de, C. Camp. ISIS
56(2):184–236.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Guia para prospeção arqueológica do Brasil. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Guia No. 2. Belém.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1965f (With Emílio, Estrada and Betty, J. Meggers) Early Formative period of coastal Ecuador: the Valdivia and Machalilla phases. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, Vol. 1.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
The dating of Easter Island archeological obsidian specimens: Report No. 18. In Reports of the Norwegian archaeological expedition to Easter Island and the east Pacific, Vol. 2—Miscellaneous Reports. Monographs of the School of American Research and the Kon-Tiki Museum 24(2):469–495.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1965h (Contributing editor, with Betty, J. Meggers) Archaeology: South America. Handbook of Latin American Studies
27:56–75.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1966a (With Betty, J. Meggers) A transpacific contact in 3000 B.C. Scienti/ic American
214(l):28–35.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Homaneje a Fernando Marquez-Miranda, arqueólogo e historiador de América. American Antiquity
31:593–594.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1966c (With Betty, J. Meggers) Mesoamerica and Ecuador. Handbook of Middle American Indians
4:243–264.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1966d (With Betty, J. Meggers) Transpacific origin of Valdivia Phase pottery on coastal Ecuador. Actas y Memorias, XXXVI Congreso InternacionaJ de Americanistas, España 1964
1:63–67. Seville.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1966e (With Betty, J. Meggers) Beginnings of food production in Ecuador. Actas y Memorias, XXXVI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas España, 1964
1:201–207. Seville.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1966f (With Betty, J. Meggers) A transpacific contact in 3000 B.C. Japan-America Forum
12(6):44–57. (Japanese translation of 1966a.)Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Ancient arts of the Americas, by Bushnell, G. H. S.. American Antiquity
32:255–256.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Introdução. In Programa Nacional de Pesquisas Arqueológicas: resultados preliminares do primeiro ano 1965-1966. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Pubis. Avulsas
6:7–13. Belém.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Amazon archeology—a centennial appraisal. Actas do Simpósio sôbre a Biota Amazônica
2:1–12. Rio de Janeiro.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1967d (Contributing editor, with Betty, J. Meggers) Archaeology: South America. Handbook of Latin American Studies
29:75–104.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1967e (With Betty, J. Meggers) Potsherd language and how to read it. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. (Multilith.)Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
The lack of archeology on Dominica. In Proceedings of the Second International Congress for the Study of Pre-Columbian Cultures in the Lesser Antilles, Barbados, pp. 93–102. Barbados Museum.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Obituary of Rafael Larco Hoyle, 1901-1966. American Antiquity
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Adovasio, J. M.
Obituary of James Alfred Ford, 1911-1968. American Anthropologist
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Adovasio, J. M.
Archeology and diplomacy in Latin America. Foreign Service Journal
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1968e (With Irving, Friedman) Obsidian dating revisited. Science
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1968f (With Betty, J. Meggers) Archeological investigations on the Rio Napo, eastern Ecuador. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, Vol. 6.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Daily life in ancient Peru, by Hans Dietrich Disselhoff. American Antiquity
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Adovasio, J. M.
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Adovasio, J. M.
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Adovasio, J. M.
1970c (Contributing editor, with Betty, J. Meggers) Archaeology: South America. Handbook of Latin American Studies, 31:68–94.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
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Adovasio, J. M.
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15:7–9. Bélem.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
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Adovasio, J. M.
1971c (With Betty, J. Meggers) Especulaciones sobre rutas tempranas de difusión de la cerámica entre sur y mesoamérica. Revista Dominicana de Arqueología y Antropología, Año 1
l(i):137–149. (Translation of 1969e.)Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1971d (Contributing editor, with Betty, J. Meggers) Archaeology: South America. Handbook of Latin American Studies
33:67–102.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1973a (With Betty, J. Meggers) A reconstituição da pré-histôria amazonica. Algumas considerações teóricas. In O Museu Goeldi no Ano do Sesquicentenário. Museu Parense Emílio Goeldi, Pubis. Avulsas
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Adovasio, J. M.
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Adovasio, J. M.
1973c (With Betty, J. Meggers) United States “imperialism” and Latin American archaeology. American Antiquity
38:257–258.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1973d (With Betty J., Meggers) An interpretation of the cultures of Marajó Island. [Revised English translation of 1954a.) In Peoples and cultures of native South America, edited by Daniel, R. Gross, pp. 39–47. Natural History Press, New York.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1973e (Contributing editor, with Betty, J. Meggers) Archaeology: South America. Handbook of Latin American Studies
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Adovasio, J. M.
Review of Public archeology, by Charles McGimsey, R. III. Museum News
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Adovasio, J. M.
1974b (With Betty, J. Meggers) Introdução. Programa Nacional de Pesquisas Arqueológicas. resultados preliminares do quinto ano, 1969-70. Museu Parense Emílio Goeldi, Pubis. Avulsas
26:7–10. Bélem.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1974c (With Betty, J. Meggers) Imperialismo norteamericano y Arqueológia latino-americána. [Translation of 1973c] Boletín del Instituto Montecristeño de Arqueológia
1:11–13. Montecristi, República Dominicana.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1974d (With Betty, J. Meggers) A transpacific contact in 3000 B.C. In New World Archaeology: Theoretical and Cultural Transformations, edited by Ezra B. W., Zubrow, Margaret, C. Fritz, and John, M. Fritz, pp. 97–104. Freeman, San Francisco. [Reprint of 1966a.)Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1974e (With Betty, J. Meggers) A reconstituição da pré-história amazônica: algumas considerações teóricas. Paleoclimas 2, Instituto de Geografia, Universidad de São Paulo. [Reprint of 1973a.)Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1975a (With Betty, J. Meggers) La “seración Fordiana” como método para construir una cronología relativa. Revista de la Universidad Católica
3(10):ll-40. Quito.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1975b (Contributing editor, with Betty, J. Meggers) Archaeology: South America. Handbook of Latin American Studies
37:52–84.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1976a (With Betty, J. Meggers) Some potential contributions of Caribbean archaeology to the reconstruction of New World prehistory. In Proceedings of the First Puerto Rican Symposium in Archaeology, edited by Linda, Sickler Robinson, pp. 25–32. Informe No. 1, Fundación Arqueológica, Antropológica e Historica de Puerto Rico.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1976b (With Betty, J. Meggers) Background and introduction for symposium on New research designs applied to Paleoindian problems: some preliminary results. Actas del XLI Congreso Internacional de Americanistas, Mexico
3:458–461.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1976c (With Owen, S. Rye) Traditional pottery techniques of Pakistan: field and laboratory studies. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology, No. 21.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1977a(With Betty, J. Meggers) Early Formative period chronology of the Ecuadorian coast: a correction. American Antiquity
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Adovasio, J. M.
1977b (With Betty, J. Meggers) Las tierras bajas de Suramerica y las Antilles. Estudios Arqueológicos [Centro de Investigaciones Arqueológicas], Ediciones de la Universidad Católica, Quito, pp. 11–69. [Spanish translation of 1978c]Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1977c (Contributing editor, with Betty, J. Meggers) Archaeology: South America. Handbook of Latin American Studies
39:73–109.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1978a (With Betty, J. Meggers) Accomplishments of the proyecto andino de estudios Arqueológicos, 1967-71. National Geographic Society Research Reports
1969:163–171.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1978c (With Betty, J. Meggers) Lowland South America and the Antilles. In Ancient Native Americans, edited by Jesse, D. Jennings, pp. 543–591. Freeman, San Francisco.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1978d (With Betty, J. Meggers) Aspectos Arqueológicos de las tierras bajas de Suramérica y las Antillas. Cuadernos del Cendia
258(4). Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo. [Spanish translation of 1978c]Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1978e (With Betty, J. Meggers) Apresentação. Areas de Amazônia legal Brasileira para pesquisa e cadastro de sitios Arqueológicos, by Mario, F. Simões and Fernanda, Araujo Costa. Museu Parense Emílio Goeldi, Pubis. Avulsas
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Adovasio, J. M.
1979 (With Betty, J. Meggers) An experimental reconstruction of Taruma village succession and some implications. In Brazil: anthropological perspectives, edited by Maxine Margolis, L. and William, E. Carter, pp. 39–60. Columbia University Press, New York.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1980a (Contributing editor, with Betty, J. Meggers) Archaeology: South America. Handbook of Latin American Studies
41:68–106.Google Scholar
Adovasio, J. M.
1980b (With Betty, J. Meggers) Un metodo ceramico para el reconocimiento de comunidades prehist6ricas. Boletín del Museo del Hombre Dominicano
9(14):57–73.Google Scholar
In Press (With Betty, J. Meggers) Lowland South America and the Antilles. In Ancient South Americans, edited by Jesse D., Jennings. Freeman, San Francisco. (Revision of 1978.)Google Scholar
In Press (Contributing editor, with Betty, J. Meggers) Archaeology: South America. Handbook of Latin American Studies
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