Published online by Cambridge University Press: 25 January 2017
Our findings to date indicate that the archaeology of the Fraser Delta region is far more complicated than Harlan I. Smith or even Philip Drucker anticipated. Every major site investigated so far has a distinctive character. At some of them culture sequences are clearly apparent.
Harpoon points are being recognized as important diagnostic elements. Three main classes can be distinguished: 1, barbed harpoons with tang (Pt. Grey, Marpole); 2, one-piece toggles (Locarno Beach); 3, twopiece toggles (Whalen, Musqueam). Two-piece toggles are present at sites with historic (Musqueam) and protohistoric (Whalen) horizons, but conspicuously absent at sites where very old (500 + years) coniferous trees grow on the deposits (Pt. Grey, Marpole, and probably Locarno Beach).