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The Fifth Session of the International Law Commission–Review of its Wore by the General Assembly
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 30 March 2017

- Type
- Notes on Legal Questions Concerning the United Nations
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- Copyright
- Copyright © American Society of International Law 1954
1 See Report of the International Law Commission Covering the Work of Its Fifth Session, General Assembly, 8th Sess., Official Becords, Supp. No. 9 (A/2456) (this Journal, Supp., Vol. 48 (1954), p. 1), pars. 6–7.
2 Ibid., par. 55.
3 Ibid., par. 91.
4 Ibid., par. 104.
5 Ibid., par. 114.
6 Ibid., par. 166.
7 Ibid., par. 169.
8 Ibid., par. 170.
9 United Nations, General Assembly, 8th Sess., Sixth Committee, 381st meeting, par. 16.
10 Report of the International Law Commission Covering the Work of Its First Session, General Assembly, 4th Sess., Official Records, Supp. No. 10 (A/925), par. 20.
11 U. N. Docs. A/CN.4/18, A/CN.4/46, A/CN.4/57.
12 U. N. Doc. A/CN.4/19, part I B.
13 U. N. Doc. A/CN.4/29.
14 U. N. Doc. A/CN.4/35.
15 Report of the International Law Commission Covering the Work of Its Fourth Session, General Assembly, 7th Sess., Official Eecords, Supp. No. 9 (A/2163), par. 24.
16 Ibid., par. 14.
17 The text of these comments has been reproduced in Annex I of the Report of the International Law Commission Covering the Work of its Fifth Session, cited above, note 1.
18 Text of draft, ibid., par. 57.
19 Ibid., par. 15.
20 Ibid., par. 19.
21 Ibid., par. 20.
22 Ibid., par. 21.
23 Ibid., par. 22.
24 Ibid., par. 23.
25 Ibid., par. 24.
26 Ibid., par. 25.
27 General Assembly, 8th Seas., Sixth Committee, Official Records, 383rd meeting, pars. 1–6.
28 Ibid., 387th meeting, pars. 18–29.
29 Ibid., 387th meeting, par. 21.
30 U. N. Docs. A/C.6/L.315, A/C.6/L.316, A/C.6/L.317, A/C.6/L.318.
31 U. N. Doc. A/C.6/L.318.
32 General Assembly, 8th Sess., Official Eecords, Sixth Committee, 382nd meeting, par. 11.
33 Report of the International Law Commission Covering the Work of Its Fifth Session, par. 55.
34 General Assembly, 8th Sess., Official Records, Sixth Committee, 382nd meeting, pars. 26–32.
35 Ibid., 383rd meeting, pars. 7–11.
36 Ibid., 387th meeting, pars. 1–17.
37 Ibid., par. 7.
38 Ibid., par. 8.
39 Ibid., par. 9.
40 Ibid., par. 12.
41 Ibid., par. 13.
42 Ibid., par. 14.
48 383rd meeting, pars. 36–44.
44 Ibid., par. 40.
45 Ibid., par. 39.
46 Ibid., par. 40.
47 Ibid., par. 42.
48 Ibid., pars. 27–35.
49 Ibid., par. 28.
50 Ibid., par. 29.
51 Ibid., par. 32.
52 Ibid., par. 19.
53 Ibid., par. 20.
54 382nd meeting, par. 29.
55 385th meeting, par. 21.
56 Ibid., par. 20.
57 384th meeting, par. 11.
58 Ibid., par. 13.
59 385th meeting, par. 1.
60 Report of the International Law Commission Covering the Work of Its Fifth Session, cited above.
61 380th meeting, par. 14.
62 386th meeting, par. 12.
63 Ibid., par. 16.
64 384th meeting, pars. 1–8.
65 387th meeting, pars. 18–29.
66 Ibid., par. 20.
67 Art. 23 (3).
68 387th meeting, par. 22.
69 Ibid., par. 23.
70 ibid., par. 25.
71 Ibid., par. 27.
72 Besolution 797 (VIII), Arbitral Procedure, adopted on Dec. 7, 1953, at 468th plenary meeting; General Assembly, 8th Sess., Official Eecords, Supp. No. 17 (A/2630), p. 51.
73 Ibid., pars. 58–114.
74 Resolution 798 (VIII), Regime of the High Seas, adopted on Dec. 7, 1953, ibid., p. 51.
75 Report of the International Law Commission Covering the Work of Its First Session, General Assembly, 4th Sess., Official Records, Supp. No. 10 (A/925), par. 20.
76 Ibid., par. 21.
77 U. N. Doc. A/CN.4/17.
78 Report of the International Law Commission Covering the Work of Its Second Session, General Assembly, 5th Sess., Official Eecords, Supp. No. 12 (A/1316), pars. 182–198.
79 U. N. Doc. A/CN.4/42.
80 Report of the International Law Commission Covering the Work of Its Fifth Session, par. 62.
81 U. N. Docs. A/C.6/L.314, A/C.6/L.318, A/C.6/L.319.
82 389th meeting, par. 25.
83 Ibid.
84 Ibid., par. 40.
85 Ibid.
86 Ibid., par. 42.
87 Ibid., par. 44.
88 392nd meeting, pars. 47, 49.
89 Report of the International Law Commission Covering the Work of Its Fifth Session, par. 94.
90 Ibid., par. 105.
91 392nd meeting, pars. 2–14.
92 Resolution 798 (VIII).
93 U. N. Doc. A/C.6/L.311.
94 Resolution 799 (VIII), Request for the Codification of the Principles of International Law Governing State Responsibility, adopted on Dec. 7, 1953, at 468th plenary meeting; General Assembly, 8th Sess., Official Records, Supp. No. 17 (A/2630), p. 52.