Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
1 A capable, but less expansive, treatment was previously given by one of the contributors to the book under review. Scott Davidson, The Inter-American Human Rights System (1997), reviewed by W. Michael Reisman, 92 AJIL 784 (1998). Broad, but even less current, consideration may be found in Thomas Buer-Genthal & Dinah Shelton, Protecting Human Rights in the Americas: Cases and Materials (4th rev. ed. 1995). Several wide-ranging English-language contributions are included in El Futuro del Sistema Interamericano de Protección de los Derechos Humanos (Juan E. Méndez & Francisco Cox eds., 1998) (essays on system reform, most of them in Spanish, by some of the same authors and including one co-authored by this reviewer) [hereinafter El Futuro].
2 Loayza Tamayo Case, 1997 Ann. Rep. Inter.-Am. Ct. H.R. [Ann. Rep.] 191.
3 Resolution, Garay Hermosilla, No. 10.843, 1996 Ann. Rep. 156.
4 E.g., the Annual Reports of the Commission and Court, published each spring; El Futuro, supra note 1; and 1–2 Inter-American Human Rights Digest: The Inter-American Court of Human Rights 1980–97 (Claudio Grossman & Robert Goldman eds., 1998) (excerpting Court case law by Convention article and by a more detailed subject matter index).
5 1997 Ann. Rep. 23–26 (quoting OAS Gen. Ass. Res. AG/RES.1489 (XXVTI-0/97)).
6 See Second Summit of the Americas, Santiago, Chile, Final Declaration (Apr. 1998) <>.
7 1997 Ann. Rep. 14 (amendment to Art. 63(h) of Commission Regulations).
8 Id. at 929–30.
9 Loayza Tamayo Case, 1997 Ann. Rep. 191, 213–15.
10 Id. at 212–13.